Call from 12 generals and personalities against Macron’s war threats (RI)

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Hello, another call from generals against the war, so I thought it was good to make it.



general call for war

by Jacques Martinez

If 8 generals among 12 signatories, certainly close to retirement, allow themselves to declare in broad daylight their total opposition to the position reiterated Thursday evening by the President of the Republice, how many dozens of generals are there in our country with the same point of view, including a significant number of active senior officers and, above all, some at the head of the most advanced regiments in case of conflict, regiments essential to a war such as that desired by the Élysée occupier!

When we think that it is this president who “commands” these generals even though he has never put on a uniform, nor, even if only once, marched in step and, even less, learned to shoot even at a target... And, on the other hand, he is THE ONLY ONE IN FRANCE who can, according to his sole power entirely legitimate, perhaps during a sudden whim, namely, according to Petit Robert, “a capricious and sometimes preposterous, unreasonable idea or desire", so without the president having all his reason at that moment, yes, he is THE ONLY ONE legally COULD START A NUCLEAR WAR!

It's under the title: "ALERT: General officers rebel against Macron's war in Ukraine» that the Place d’Armes website1, as a foreword to “Call from the Joint Reflections Circle for a ceasefire in Ukraine”, notes that “French general officers, gathered in the “Inter-army Reflection Circle”, save honor. They launch an open call for a ceasefire in Ukraine (…)". Obviously, Macron's extremist positions are fracturing the army.

Excerpts from this call

«How many deaths?

How many more deaths ?

The Russian-Ukrainian war is already an unmitigated disaster (…) Future devastation could be exponentially greater as nuclear powers move closer to open war. Today a few timid voices venture to speak of peace. (…) We must, we French, we Europeans, seek agreement from both parties so that a ceasefire can be immediately declared. To convince, it will be necessary for the negotiators, to be mandated by the UN, to present with them a framework on the modalities of its implementation».

Declaration signed by twelve personalities (list attached) including, therefore, eight “generals (2S)”2 and here is the link : The Courier of Strategists

Polls have already revealed that the French voted by a large majority in favor of aid from the army so that France regains its security of three five years ago... This call in the face of a president who should either resign or be “expelled” from the bosom of the Republic by parliament – ​​but for this you need 3/5ths of Parliament as for… the abortion of a fetus! -, yes, this call will comfort many French people…


Source (s): Republican Resistance via Réseau International


Further information : Anti-constitutionality, illegality or a-legality? (







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