AI Drone Swarms and Autonomous Ships: Palantir Co-Founder Warns Warfare Is About to Change Forever (
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 1045
'The most powerful machine ever built on Earth': China has quietly launched a record-breaking supercomputer - and someone has virtually deconstructed its processor. (
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 2676
Screens are destroying children according to psychologist Miletre on RTL (
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 1531
He goes shopping at Lidl and leaves with a bill of more than €500 for an incredible reason (
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 3444
RAND Corporation: "The Internet of Bodies Could Lead to the Internet of Brains by 2050 (
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 3360
Now Parking Lots Are Turning Into Electric Car Graveyards (DME)
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 2969
NAMX - It revolutionizes the automobile with hydrogen capsules! (The Automobile Salesman)
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 2834
Back to school, AI and software: focus on the new apps for students
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 2623
USAF conducts first flight of AI-driven stealth drone (
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 3177
Tesla: Elon Musk accused of having deceived his customers by increasing the autonomy of his cars (
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 4024
The electric car is a trap for idiots! - Guy de la Fortelle (Straight Line)
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 4311
Some Google employees didn't realize they had been fired until their badge wouldn't let them into the office. (
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 2692
Elon Musk is working on a brain implant
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 4625
Tip: Dolce Gusto that no longer flows, what to do?
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 3883
Caught in the Act: Thousands of Amazon Employees Eavesdrop on Alexa Conversations (Zerohedge)
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 4647
Samsung: 116 billion dollars to overtake Intel (Clubic)
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 3229
Hackers robbed hundreds of Amazon merchants for months (Le Figaro)
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 3110
Exclusive: Amazon rolls out machines that pack orders and replace workers (Reuters)
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 3705
Japan Airlines will test connected watches to locate its employees on the ground
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 1030
Sony is launching a 4K TV at €20.000...
Written by : folamour |
Clicks: 1128