VIDEO OF THE DAY: ... Press review of September 8, 2017 by J.-L. Melenchon (France insoumise)

We fly over him because sometimes he says true things

- At the same time he is anti-Macron but also pro-NOM by his positions, pro-revolutionary therefore anti-Christian, a whole movement which will bring Revolution/civil war

- Place your hope in God and expect nothing from politicians
  because everything will come true as prophesied

- At 30 mins 40 mins, we learn that the government wants to link the rental lease to the employment contract
  = force people to accept mini-jobs at 500€ to keep their housing


Anonymous contributor

The Week in Review is back! In this 38e episode, Jean-Luc Mélenchon talks about hurricane Irma which hit San Marino and Saint-Barthélémy and makes the link with global warming. It also addresses another problem related to global warming: the proliferation of the boxwood moth, a butterfly (and caterpillar) that devastates boxwoods in many regions. Jean-Luc Mélenchon then returns to the massacre of the Rohingyas, a Muslim minority in Burma. Then he deals with nuclear proliferation and condemns North Korea's provocations. Finally, he calls for mobilization in the streets on September 12 and 23 against Emmanuel Macron's social coup and his orders on the Labor Code.


Source (s): via Anonymous Contributor

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Melenchon 09 09 2017

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