Le 2005 referendum to which the French had said NO was trampled by signing the Treaty of Lisbon. It is from this date that the first symptoms of the dictatorship will appear.
France is now obeying the recommendations made to it by the European Commission run by corrupt men.
Voting for right-wing and left-wing candidates amounts to the same submission to the European Union and the decoy candidates like Le Pen, Dupont-Aignan, and Mélenchon want a " Other Europe without explaining that renegotiating the European treaties is impossible. These parties divide the French on a left-right divide which no longer matters given France's impotence in choosing its own policy.
So that the French do not discover the urgency and the swindle of the French political situation, the media are increasingly bought up by large industrialists or banks. Relevant news analyzes are increasingly rare due to a media policy of infotainment or non-stop news.
The articles of conscious journalists are filtered by leading editorialists.
The others are self-censored by the conformism that has reigned in the media landscape for decades. Freedom of expression in France is ranked 45e world level but that is only the tip of the iceberg.
Thanks to the rise of the Internet, a party is still resisting pro-European Union media hype. It is the Popular Republican Union (UPR).
The UPR is a political party created on the day of the 50e anniversary of the common market of the Treaty of Rome on March 25, 2007, by François Asselineau, currently a candidate for the presidential election.
This party has meteoric growth despite a fierce censorship for 10 years. The transparency of its operation pleases the French who discover it. The number of members is not claimed but published in real time on the site www.upr.fr and verifiable by bailiff. The party is financed solely by the French and not by foreign funds or bank loans. The speech is based on a constructed argument and not vague slogans or promises. Its program has hardly changed since its 10 years of existence because the news continues to confirm its analyses. It brings together the French whether they are left, right, but especially the abstentionists who discover a whistleblower candidate who explains behind the scenes of politics.
The UPR site is 1er most visited political party website. Poster initiatives make it the 1er militant party, its Youtube channel is the 2e French political channel, and the UPR ends first in all online polls who deign to join the UPR by-ci through-leaves.
The upr now has 16.000 members. It represents the 5e party in number of members. It is 7 times more than the NPA by Philippe Poutou which is publicized and helped in the search for sponsorships. This is 4 times more than Europe Ecology the Greens which is constantly publicized. Finally, the UPR is also 190.000 votes in 2015, and therefore far more voters thanEmmanuel Macron which had the right to all the headlines thanks to the support of major industrialists and press owners.
The reality is that the UPR disturbs those who have been in power for 40 years. So the strategy employed by the government and the media elites to fight against this citizen gathering is to:
- completely unaware of its existence
- then discredit or demonize the presence of the upr in the presidential election.
Here is the chronological list of evidence of censorship and defamation against the UPR:
25/03/2007 – No media is present on the day of the founding congress of the UPR despite the 81 journalists contacted
04/02/2013 – Wikipedia censors any notice concerning the UPR. The UPR page is translated into almost all languages except French:
05/05/2014 – A UPR member listener challenges Les Grandes Gueules on RMC about the impossibility of changing the EU:
23/10/2015 – Paris Normandie forgets the UPR among the candidates for regional elections:
03/12/2015 – France 3 Normandie lies by claiming to have done a report on all the candidates but they never contacted the UPR:
16/12/2015 – The government abolishes the equality of speaking time with the Urvoas law to exclude candidates like Asselineau:
29/09/2016 – The media give the floor to an unknown person who does not represent any party. Xavier Denamur, chef and owner of 5 bistros, is a guest on Europe 1, and articles appear in Le Parisien, Le Point, Sud Ouest, Huffington Post, Le Figaro, Ouest-France:
03/10/2016 – Liberation does not represent Asselineau in their representative graph of the Viavoice poll:
10/10/2016 – The POP2017 survey and recruitment launched by BVA and Salesforce did not take into account the voting choice for François Asselineau. The survey was intended to create a panel of questions for the Political Program of France 2 where Asselineau was also not invited:
16/10/2016 – France 3 decides not to send a journalist to the UPR's Autumn University despite having done so the previous year for a short one-minute report. This time, the event welcomed twice as many people and France 3 Bourgogne censored it:
19/10/2016 – Laurent Joffrin lies when he says that Liberation gave the floor to all the candidates:
13/11/2016 – The CSA is pleased with the censorship of the UPR:
15/11/2016 – Franc Inter dodges a question from a UPR member auditor. Patrick Cohen pretends to misunderstand the question:
04/12/2016 – The newspaper 20 minutes launches an online survey including François Asselineau. The UPR finished first in the poll as in all the other online polls and Asselineau spoke about this one (see video:
08/12/2016 – AFP is trying to discredit an online poll by the newspaper 20 minutes in which François Asselineau came out on top. The information is taken from NotreTemps:
11/12/2016 – France Inter dodges questions from a UPR member auditor. Demorand and Mélenchon divert the question so as not to speak of the UPR:
16/12/2016 – La Dépêche du Midi decides not to include the entry François Asselineau in its online survey despite numerous complaints:
18/12/2016 – France Inter dodges questions from two UPR member auditors. Demorand does not speak of the UPR and Philippot acknowledges the existence of the UPR by saying that it “deserves” the “500 signatures”:
22/12/2016 – The En Marche and France Insoumise movements are classified separately by the CSA for speaking time:
22/12/2016 – A UPR member listener calls out to Eric Brunet to ask for an interview with Asselineau on his program presenting the small parties. The major foreign media interview the UPR candidate, but in France you have to beg interviews from the major and powerful media:
03/01/2017 – An unknown Charlotte Marchandise has the honor of making the news in the media. She is the winner of an online primary. She is also close to Daniel Kaplan who is not only "a member of the information technology strategic council placed with the 1er Minister, but also "member of the chamber of experts of the e-europe programme", which is, according to eur-lex.europa.eu, a "political initiative aimed at ensuring that the EU takes full advantage of developments linked to society some information ".
She was entitled to television appearances on Europe 1, Médiapart, TV5 Monde, and articles in Le Monde, Le Figaro, Le Point, 20 minutes, LCI, RFI, Liberation, France 24, Elle, France 3, La Dépêche, and many others :
05/01/2017 – An unknown Olivier Régis has the honor of making the news in Le Parisien, 20 minutes, La Dépêche, Le JDD, France 3, Ouest France, Sud Radio:
09/01/2017 – Asselineau is not invited to the Round Table on tax evasion in Dax. But Yannick Jadot, Sandrine Charnoz (PS), Pierre Larrouturou, Corinne Morel-Darleux (FI), Philippe Poutou, and Jean Lassalle are invited:
15/01/2017 – France Télévision censors an analysis on Mélenchon relayed by the UPR. Trouble also does some great detailed videos on media manipulation around Brexit:
16/01/2017 – A UPR member challenges Arnaud Montebourg during his stand-up in Lille. Many media were present, however none wanted to relay the very relevant question of this activist:
31/01/2017 – The JDD forgets Asselineau but not Rama Yade:
03/02/2017 – Les Echos forgot Asselineau in the list of presidential candidates:
06/02/2017 – Les Echos forgot Asselineau in their online survey:
07/02/2017 – Numerama removes Asselineau from the list of candidates:
08/02/2017 – The organic sector forgets to invite Asselineau among the candidates for the presidential election:
09/02/2017 – France Bleu forgets Asselineau in the small candidates:
10/02/2017 – Le Monde forgets Asselineau from the list of micro-candidates:
14/02/2017 – Le Parisien speaks of an out-of-system candidate without citing Asselineau:
15/02/2017 – Médiapart openly censors the UPR with a live talk about small candidates without citing the UPR:
15/02/2017 – Courrier International speaks of party against the EU without citing the UPR:
17/02/2017 – Sponsorship collection times are reduced to 15 days to prevent all parties that do not yet have 500 sponsorships:
18/02/2017 – The Le Parisien workshop forgets the UPR program:
18/02/2017 – RadioVL forgets Asselineau in the candidates forgotten by the media:
19/02/2017 – Le Parisien talks about the Youtube channels of the parties, forgetting the second:
20/02/2017 – Challenge lists the candidates without citing Asselineau:
20/02/2017 – The Mutualité site lists the candidates without citing Asselineau:
20/02/2017 – The two televised debates will be before the first round to dismiss Asselineau:
20/02/2017 – Europe 1 forgets Asselineau in the candidates but does not forget Lassalle, Marchandise, or Poutou:
22/02/2017 – Capital deliberately omits the second youtube channel, that of the UPR, in its description table:
22/02/2017 – Liberation forgets Asselineau in their presidential race:
23/02/2017 – Le Monde forgets Asselineau in the small candidates in search of attention:
24/02/2017 – Europe 1 forgets Asselineau's program on agriculture even though it is the only one capable of protecting French family farming from the excessive productivity imposed by articles 38 and 39 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union:
24/02/2017 – BFMTV refuses to cite Asselineau in the candidates while they write the names of Faudot, Yade, Lasalle, Larrouturou, Temaru, and Guainot. BFMTV knows the UPR, however, since it had spoken of Asselineau in this video at 1m13s :
05/05/2014 – France 3 Ouest ranks the UPR in the Divers Droites lists:
05/05/2014 – The new republic ranks the UPR in the Miscellaneous Right lists:
06/05/2014 – Progress Ranks UPR in Miscellaneous Right Lists:
05/09/2016 – Le Monde does not represent François Asselineau among Lassalle, Marchandise, Poutou, and Dupont-Aignan in their graph, but as a small candidate:
11/10/2016 – Wikipedia defames the UPR and Asselineau with conspiracy, sectarianism, sovereignism, extremism, anti-Americanism, fachosphere, and harassment. The UPR page still does not have the right to be created while that of En Marche, or Nous Citoyens can:
26/11/2016 – Canal+ and Blako's Editorial in Thierry Ardisson's program Salut les terriens defame Asselineau and the UPR by assimilating him to the far right and classifying him in the fachosphere:
03/12/2016 – The Huffington Post lists all the candidates and places the photo of Asselineau in last position, hidden by the references of the image:
20/12/2016 – La Dépêche chooses the worst photo of François Asselineau for its article:
05/01/2017 – Le Parisien classifies Youtube channels and considers Asselineau as an unknown and slightly supports his candidacy by quoting Asselineau “They never talked about us even though we have been in existence for ten years”. They have 572 videos since 2010, totaling 7,6 million views:
16/01/2017 – La Voix du Nord defames Asselineau of conspiracy by lying about the number of participants in the two conferences in Arras and Lille:
17/01/2017 – Médiapart classifies the UPR as a “very right-wing” party:
23/01/2017 – Sud Ouest defames Asselineau as a conspirator and sectarian:
30/01/2017 – LCI cites “sovereigntist Asselineau” among the small candidates:
01/02/2017 – The Internet user ranks Asselineau among the “incendiary or virulent” candidates:
03/02/2017 – La Nouvelle République is wrong in the number of members (12.000 instead of more than 15.500) and summarizes the UPR as europhobia:
08/02/2017 – Yahoo ranks the UPR as right-wing, even far-right:
10/02/2017 – Brut likens the UPR to wacky parties like Sylvain Duriff and De Lesquen:
11/02/2017 – The Decodex du Monde defames and classifies the UPR in the fachosphere:
13/02/2017 – The Stop TAFTA collective ranks the UPR on the far right:
17/02/2017 – VSD (owned by Bertelsmann) defames the UPR as a conspirator and errs on the number of members of 12 instead of 000:
20/02/2017 – Le Courrier Picard places Asselineau on the right and is wrong about his age:
22/02/2017 – The Internet user decides not to place Asselineau in his article, nor even to present a photo describing him. Asselineau's name in the last image speaking of "other candidates" after 47 other personalities including non-candidates and unknowns:
22/02/2017 – Le Monde and its Decoder places the UPR among the right-wing parties:
23/02/2017 – Boulevard Voltaire ranks Asselineau among the small candidates while summarizing its RFID chipping program:
Source (s) politics relayed by Fawkes-News and resumed on Rabid Sheep
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