A sequence patented by Moderna found in the RNA of Sars-CoV-2! Analysis by Alexandra Henrion-Caude (Nexus.fr)

Hello, we still have no news from Moderna scientists, who had to answer on this genetic sequence found in the RNA of Sars-CoV-2 (tweet below), and which seem patented by Moderna three years before the pandemic...

I warn you, it's a big piece scientifically, and I take the liberty of reminding you that Mme Henrion-Caude was one of the first people with the Pr Luc montagnier (peace be upon her) to indicate the probably human origins of Sars-CoV-2 (we will never have 100% proof she says).

(I put everything we have on the file in 'additional information' consult what you want; ))))

(And it also confirms other serious consequences on the immune system induced by vaccination..., I can't put all the details, you have to ABSOLUTELY you are listening to the video.)

And you will see that it intersects with what the Russians found in Ukraine, here is among other things what they are working on, and WHY these labs are not located on American soil (but it is legally just like).

Because military research is not done to play dice...Besides, the United States is looking with all its might (What? free energy? No) for ways to kill people massively and most 'economically', and the best it has found for the moment it is US$0,29 per person, but there is hope.

There you go, and she's right about all that, and the possible consequences... we must stay united.....

Update 27.07.2022: The truth is starting to come out.... People were vaccinated for NOTHING (except maybe some darker motive...)

Friendships, ; )



Alexandra Henrion-Caude, geneticist and RNA specialist, explains to the Nexus microphone the results of an unpublished study published in Frontiers, February 21, 2022, reporting a complete match between a piece of Sars-Cov2 sequence and a Moderna patent filed in 2017.

Read our article: https://www.nexus.fr/actualite/news/brevet-moderna-sars-cov2/

See our previous interviews with Alexandra Henrion-Caude:

“Origin of Sars-cov-2, patent/scoop, second wave covid-19 news and treatments”: https://www.facebook.com/magazine.nexus/videos/699786387602994


Tweet from Alexandra Henrion-Caude: https://twitter.com/CaudeHenrion/status/1495927520478253058 Daily Mail article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10542309/Fresh-lab-leak-fears-study-finds-genetic-code-Covids-spike-protein-linked-Moderna-patent.html ????#Nexus (100% independent)
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source: Odysee.com


Further information :

Alexandra Henrion Caude

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