A mafia has taken control of France - Politics & Eco n°434 with Valérie Bugault - TVL

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As we approach the disappearance of our nation, another fascinating interview with Valérie Bugault.

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Economic crises, pandemics, wars... the French live in permanent stress. How did we get to this point? Valérie Bugault, doctor of law and analyst in economic geopolitics, author of "The real alternative to the Great Reset - Towards a renewal of the State with Révolutiondroit", demonstrates how a small internationalized financial elite, associated with crime syndicates, monopolizes the wealth and powers of nations through coordinated systematic attacks: subversion of the law, misappropriation of the role of money by the system of central banks. And today, the United States, which serves as the home of this small caste, is on the brink of civil war. The guest on “Politics & Eco” states it bluntly: “The future that these people are preparing for us is that of mass disappearance and the suppression of all freedom”. Will Humanity give up in the face of this prospect? With her Révolutiondroit project, Valérie Bugault aims to give everyone the means to return to healthy collective functioning, centered around freedom and human dignity. As she has already had the opportunity to announce, the time for choices has come!

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