Withdrawal of the AstraZeneca vaccine: a decision that shakes confidence in the health authorities (Lemediaen442.fr)

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British drugmaker AstraZeneca has announced the withdrawal of its Covid-19 "vaccine" from the global market, a move that comes after the company admitted the vaccine could cause thrombosis syndrome with thrombocytopenia "in very rare cases. This withdrawal was largely ignored by the French media, which says a lot about the state of the press in the country.

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AstraZeneca withdraws its Covid-19 vaccine from the global market after “rare cases” of the syndrome
of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia, raising concerns about the safety of the vaccine.
Yesterday, Tuesday May 7, 2024, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) withdrew the marketing authorization for the AstraZeneca vaccine at the request of the manufacturer. Since February 2021, numerous cases of serious side effects and deaths have been reported worldwide. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched an investigation in February 2021 following dozens of cases of a rare blood disease, thrombocytopenia. In South Korea, seven people died within a week of being vaccinated with AstraZeneca, leading the country to launch an investigation. In Norway, skin hemorrhages were observed in young people who received a dose of the vaccine, which caused concern from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.


In France, the AstraZeneca vaccine was suspended in March 2021 due to concerns about its safety, but in May 2021, French Health Minister Olivier Véran promoted the vaccine and refused to alert the French about potential risks.

The withdrawal of the AstraZeneca vaccine raises questions about the initial approval of this potentially dangerous product and the health policy of disguised obligation to inject it into populations. This decision also highlights the failure of current leaders to protect the health and safety of their citizens. Many people who had confidence in science and in representatives of pharmaceutical laboratories lost their lives because of this “vaccine”, not to mention the many often serious side effects…


source: Lemediaen442.fr

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