[REMINDER] July 14: A Masterful Mystification Organized by the Illuminati

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Moreover, in order not to make the same mistakes, you must understand that nothing is due to chance. So I remind you of an extract from the letter ofAlbert Blanket (video additional information).

“... He explained in his book that to set up such a system of control, it took three world wars. During the third war, much more discreet and more mental, there would be nothing left but to let go of the nihilists and the atheists by creating a formidable social cataclysm, by creating disillusions in Christianity, and by putting the world in a permanent state of anxiety and fear…”

The goal is to cut you off from any link with God, in order to push you towards Satan by advocating a "humanist" and materialist doctrine where man is all-powerful... (I will add, however, that I am not in favor of a monarchy , but rather a direct democracy as in Switzerland, and that the Church is “the human part of God” certainly, but with its human defects…)

Finally, know that in the meantime (from what I understand) they have already all the cards in hand to cause "the major crisis" which will allow their Satanic plan to be applied...

Reminder: a total or partial withdrawal Stéphane Blet - Analysis of the human rights monument (@MecDeLaTerre)

more info: Serge Abad-Gallardo, former converted Freemason: “Freemasonry is Luciferian” (Laportelatine.org)

Who has ears hear...

The classic explanation of the French Revolution is that of a people who, tired of suffering the oppression of King Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, rose up in opposition to the monarchy and began by storming the prison of the Bastille. This event, according to official historical records, marks the beginning of the Revolution which reached its peak with the replacement of the monarchy by the so-called “French Republic”.

The French commemorate the start of their "revolution" by making Bastille Day, July 14, a public holiday. This further reinforces the thesis that the French people really revolted and overthrew the King of France.

Yet those who have studied the Revolution in depth have uncovered the true motive for the storming of the Bastille. As Nesta Webster explains, “A plan to attack the Bastille had already been drawn up, all that remained was to set the people in motion.” The plan was to storm the Bastille, not to free the hundreds of "oppressed political prisoners" believed to be held there, but to seize the weapons needed to launch the Revolution. This was confirmed by the fact that when the crowd reached the Bastille, it had only seven prisoners: four forgers, two insane, and the Comte de Solages imprisoned at the request of his family for “monstrous crimes against humanity.” In fact, “the obscure damp towers had fallen into complete disuse; since the first Necker ministry, in 1776, no one had been imprisoned there.

The second unfounded presumption as to the causes of the French Revolution is that the uprising was the work of the French popular masses. This conception according to which a large number of French people would have supported the Revolution is erroneous because, in reality, "out of the 800 inhabitants of Paris, about a thousand only took part in the siege of the Bastille..." And again, those who participated directly to the storming of the Bastille were, in reality, paid by those who directed the whole operation.

That brigands from the South of France were deliberately sent to Paris in 1789, employed and paid by the leaders of the Revolution, is a fact confirmed by authorities too numerous to cite; and the additional fact that the conspirators deemed such a measure necessary is of immense significance, for it shows that in their eyes the people of Paris could not be relied upon to lead a revolution. In other words, the use of these mercenaries decisively refutes the thesis that the Revolution was an irrepressible uprising of the people. Moreover, it was not only French people who were employed by the leaders of the Revolution "a motley band of brigands, thirsty for violence, made up not only of Marseillais (those men from the South mentioned above) and Italians, but also Germans…”

Doctor Rigby was in a good position to testify on the reality of the siege of the Bastille, since he was traveling in Paris at that precise time. The letters he wrote to his wife during those days provide an interesting insight into what actually happened. Nesta Webster, in her book The French Revolution, comments on Doctor Rigby's correspondence: "The siege of the Bastille caused so little trouble in Paris that Doctor Rigby, unaware that anything unusual was going on, went to early afternoon visit the gardens of Monceaux.»

Another observer of the French Revolution, Lord Acton, confirmed that there was an invisible hand working to foment the revolution: "What is distressing in the French Revolution is not the tumult but the design . Through all the fire and smoke, there is evidence of an organized machination. The rulers remain carefully hidden and masked; but there is no doubt as to their involvement in the affair.”

The plan of the conspirators was simple: create “popular” grievances in order to exploit them for their benefit. They created five specific grievances to hold the King himself responsible. They expected that harsh survival conditions would be enough to induce enough people to join those already bribed. Thus, the revolution would seem genuinely popular. The plotters could then control events and bring them to the results they desired.

The first grievance, fabricated from scratch, was the grain shortage. According to Webster: “Montjoie affirms that agents in the pay of the Duke of Orleans deliberately bought all the cereals; they exported part of it and concealed the other in order to incite the people to revolt.” Thus, the Duke of Orléans, a member of the Illuminati, bought a large quantity of grain to encourage the population to bring their grievances to the King, whom they had been led to hold responsible for the shortage. It was, of course, the Illuminati who had spread the rumor that the King had intentionally caused the shortage.

The second of the contrived recriminations is the enormous debt contracted by the government for the sole purpose of taxing the population in order to pay it. The national debt has been estimated at 800 million current dollars. This money had been borrowed by the French government to support the United States during the American Revolution of 1776. It has been estimated that two-thirds of the French debt was due to these loans.

The third recrimination provoked was that the French population was suffering from hunger. Dr. Rigby mentions: “We saw few people, in the lower strata of the population, expressing anger, idleness and misery.”

Nesta Webster would later explain: “Doctor Rigby continues in the same register of admiration – an admiration which one could attribute to a lack of discernment if it had not however suddenly disappeared when he entered Germany. He finds there "a country towards which Nature has been as generous as towards France, because its soil is fertile, but where however the inhabitants live under the oppression of the government." In Cologne, he believes that "tyranny and oppression have found their home."

The fourth major complaint, created by the Illuminati and their accomplices in government, was the massive inflation that bankrupted the working classes. 35 million assignats were issued in a short period and this was, in part, the cause of food shortages. The government's response was to impose rationing which increased the anger of the population.

The fifth deviation from the truth is the alleged "oppression" of the reign of Louis XVI. The truth is that France was the most prosperous of all European countries before the Revolution. France possessed half of the currency in circulation in all of Europe and, during the period from 1720 to 1780, foreign trade increased fourfold. Half of France's wealth was in the hands of the bourgeoisie and the “serfs” owned more land than anyone else. The King had abolished the corvée and banned the use of torture in interrogations. In addition, the King had founded hospitals, created schools, reformed laws, dug canals, drained swamps to increase the area of ​​cultivable land and had built many bridges to facilitate the movement of goods within the country.

Thus, through the first of the "revolutions", one can see the typical example of the Conspiracy at work. The benevolent king encouraged the rise of the petty bourgeoisie by favoring the advent of a fairer and more prosperous society. This situation was intolerable for those in the layer immediately below the ruling class, as the rising petty bourgeoisie began to assume power itself. The conspirators attempted to eliminate not only the King and the ruling class but the petty bourgeoisie as well.

The enemy of the Conspiracy is always the petty bourgeoisie and, in the other revolutions which will be studied in this book, we will show that the Conspiracy always foments those "revolutions" programmed for this sole purpose.

Thus the French Revolution was a falsification and a mystification. The people were manipulated for reasons that were never made known to them.


The invisible hand that entirely directed the French Revolution was that of the Illuminati, who were only thirteen years old but powerful enough to start a revolution in one of the greatest countries in the world.

But members of the Illuminati had drawn up the plans for the Revolution several years before, and had infiltrated another secret group, that of the Freemasons: "The lightning revolution of France was prepared in the decades preceding 1789 by the development of the Freemasonic Fraternity.

Freemasonry arrived in France in 1725, but by 1772 the organization had split into two groups, one of which became known as the Loge Franc-Maçonnique du Grand Orient. The first Grand Master of the Lodge was the Duke of Orléans, also a member of the Illuminati.

The Lodge of the Grand Orient spread rapidly throughout the country so that in 1789, there were 600 lodges throughout France against only 104 in 1772. The members of the Grand Orient were also active within the government since on the 605 parliamentarians of the Estates General, 447 were members.

The Illuminati's plan was to infiltrate the Masonic Brotherhood, turn it into a branch of their Order, and then use its secrecy as a means to overthrow the monarchy. The new head of government would be the Duke of Orleans. The strategy worked for a time, but the Duke of Orléans was eventually sentenced to death for treason to the French government and died on the guillotine.


source: Theorschachchronicles

+ Info: Stéphane Blet - Analysis of the human rights monument (@MecDeLaTerre)


Reminder: a total or partial withdrawal The French state no longer exists. A team under foreign influence is in power (Valérie Bugault)

Reminder: a total or partial withdrawal  Valérie BUGAULT - We live in a sham - BAM June 16, 2022


Further information :


Crashdebug.fr: Albert Pike's letter and his Machiavellian plan

Crashdebug.fr: trillion dollars
Crashdebug.fr: The Bilderbergs
Crashdebug.fr: The money game
Crashdebug.fr: The lie we live....

LLP Letter from Albert Pike by fashionbox1


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