[REMINDER] Public debt: a profitable business?

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Good evening, a little reminder because everything stems from this debt scam..., before 1974 France had NO debt.

Public debt, a profitable business by AtoumX2. While the general rapporteur of the budget in the National Assembly, Gilles Carrez is alarmed - rightly - at the heaviness of State debt burden, André-Jacques Holbecq, Philippe Derudder have both just published a book entitled "Public debt, a profitable business : Who benefits from the system ?"

While the government tries under cover of the weight of the debt to restrict the social claims of the employees, the authors point out that about forty years ago, the French State was not indebted, like the most other nations.

In less than forty years we have accumulated a colossal debt which is close to 1200 billion euros, they exclaim.

Which makes them wonder: did something happen that made us suddenly need to borrow money, when before we were self-sufficient?

And if so, who really benefits? Who issues the currency? André-Jacques Holbecq and Philippe Derudder tell us the reasons for debt and denounce the scrupulously concealed destructive mechanisms. Popularizers of the "economic thing", their goal is to allow citizens to "know", so that they do not allow themselves to be impressed by the scarecrows that are waved under their noses.

Authors: André-Jacques Holbecq, Philippe Derudder

Preface: Etienne Chouard

source: The Finance Blog

Further information :

Amazon.co.uk: Public debt: a profitable business?




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