Capitalism (1/6) - Adam Smith: at the origin of the free market? (art)

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With this documentary too, I would like to give you a gift which, I hope, will enlighten you on the lie that characterizes today's society and its golden calf, capitalism, based entirely on the lies of a man named Adam Smith who disguised reality.

This last fact is confirmed by anthropologists, who confirm that humanity basically used the principle of “reciprocity” (at 16mn).

And not even barter. Capitalism is therefore based on the deductions of a single man which serves as a scientific alibi for all modern economics.

And has nothing to do with history or empirical reality (which should have been our natural evolution).

You will therefore see explained in detail the deadly chain and the rise of the latter through the centuries and the birth of the United States.

Disregarding all humanity, and motivated solely by profit (which may enlighten you on the models of Pierre Gattaz).

All I can wish you is to watch this 6-part documentary, offered by the Arte channel, a section of which will be shown each week.

I think this is the right time to remind you that:

"A generalized globalization of exchanges between countries characterized by very different levels of wages at exchange rates can only ultimately lead everywhere, in developed countries as in underdeveloped countries, to unemployment, reduced growth, inequalities, miseries of all kinds. It is neither avoidable, nor necessary, nor desirable. »

Maurice Allais


“When we don't know where we come from, we don't know where we are going…”



Backup of the video

Considered obvious today, capitalism has in fact not always existed... This masterful documentary series, filmed in twenty-two countries, offers keys to understanding the capitalist system. This first part goes back to Adam Smith, Scottish philosopher of the XVIIIe century, considered the "father of capitalism".

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