Monthly Archive

September 2023

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 44 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
6 min read

Covid: Agnès Buzyn’s explosive text messages revealed! (The Patriots)

Hello, a video from Florian Philippot who reviews the salient SMS messages from Agnès Buzyn's book, we will remember (at 5 minutes 29) that they knew everything about the P4 lab in Wuhan while they treated those who... read more ..

French news
2 min read

Inflation: how the State enriches itself at the expense of the French - Philippe Murer and Philippe Béchade (Ligne Droite)

Everything is interesting, but I would like to point out the passage on food inflation at 14 p.m., a friend who works in mass distribution informed us about it, and it's shameful, they made... read more ..

International news
9 min read

Meat from animals vaccinated with mRNA vaccines could soon end up in the US food supply (

Professor Malone warned us at the beginning of the year, and they are pushing for it to pass in the United States, and in other countries, even though they have absolutely no idea ... read more ..

2 min read

“The French have only two solutions left: submit or disobey!” - Ivan Rioufol (Right Line)

Ivan Rioufol, journalist and writer. #macron #africa #inflation #immigration Ligne Droite is an independent show. Ligne Droite refuses all advertising resources and only survives thanks to itself. read more ..

9 min read

EVEN POORER in 2024! Here is HOW and WHY: (Trouble Made)

While the shadow of 49.3 hangs over the assembly for the adoption of the public finance programming law, and at the same time France raises 285 billion on the financial markets. A fart... read more ..

French news
7 min read

Covid injections: the truth triumphs, and it shakes hard! (The Patriots)

Some good information to know and relay like this post covid survey in Australia and this report which should arrive in France, for contracts they are here. Friendships, f. Source... read more ..

International news
5 min read

Russian forces destroy Leopard tank with German crew en route to Ukraine (

Hello, I haven't seen any 'official' confirmation but there is more and more information pointing in this direction, the tank apparently was in transit, but that remains the case....prob... read more ..

French news
16 min read

Startle or suicide, you have to choose

“President Macron is a lonely man who is becoming part of the French political problem and no longer part of the solution.” This remark made by an undisputed political analyst in full cry... read more ..

French news
3 min read

Ariane Lavrilleux: the journalist presented to a judge of freedoms and detention (

The journalist was released last Wednesday after 48 hours in police custody in an investigation into her articles on a possible hijacking by Egypt of a French intelligence operation... read more ..

French news
10 min read

Our false leaders announce that they will commit suicide on the altar of Davos....

Hello, for once I wanted to watch Emmanuel Macron's speech yesterday to be able to react, so the one that best sums up this performance strewn with shameless lies and demagoguery. It's Ni... read more ..

French news
1 min read

Arrest this morning on the Champs de Mars of @David_vanH #Destitution with two sympathizers, during a Sunday walk. (LDC.News)

Another proof that we are no longer in democracy this morning David Van Hemelryck who calls for the dismissal of Emmanuel Macron, was with two sympathizers on the Champ de Mars on a walk, and... read more ..

French news
4 min read

The father of Mégane, victim of an attack in Cherbourg, expresses his anger and dismay at the inaction of the authorities (

Hello, I'm giving you this call from Mégane's father to remind you of this tragedy, which given the culprit's background should not have happened, plus there is a kitty for Megane. I remind you that all... read more ..

High-Tech News
3 min read

Back to school, AI and software: focus on the new apps for students

The month of September marks the resumption of student and school activities in general. In a few days, students will find their way back to the classrooms and will have to give me... read more ..

International news
5 min read

Bulletin No. 152. Poland vs Ukraine, end of the Kievan lie, North Korean solution. 21.09.2023 (Stratpol)

We are pleased to find Xavier Moreau for this update on the war in Ukraine and some information on Russia. The bulletin was recorded on Thursday, but on Friday there was this Kievan attack... read more ..

International news
9 min read

Europe: the CJEU confirms that France cannot push back migrants (E&R)

The CJEU was requested by the French Council of State which itself was seized by several associations for the following question: France having reestablished internal border controls... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Facing Philippe de Villiers / September 22, 2023 (CNews)

Hello, if you are interested, a quick tour of the news with Philippe de Villiers on the occasion of the Pope's visit to Marseille, and not in...France...; ), and we can savor the turnaround of ... read more ..

French news
13 min read

Covid, super-variant, vaccination, return of the mask...: “They continue their fear campaign”. Interview with Professor Christian Perronne (France-Soir)

ESSENTIAL MAINTENANCE - Covid is back. In any case, this is what a recent media campaign claims. On September 1, France-Info mentioned during its morning edition a "s... read more ..

International news
2 min read

THE EUROPEAN Pfizer CONTRACT not redacted (Twitter)

Save it securely, and you will see that they exonerate themselves from all responsibility for the side effects, it is the states which will have to manage.... and pay.... P.30 I.12 COMPENSATION... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Omerta at the CNRS? Jean-Marc SABATIER alerts us. (BAM)

Hello, needless to say that this is very serious and would tend to confirm everything that we have presented to you as information. Particularly on INSERM research..... which would explain ... read more ..

2 min read

Piracy: a police raid on Scaleway (Iliad) to put an end to UpToBox (

During the vote on the HADOPI law in 2009, I went with my wife to the national assembly, a package of a few dozen euros was offered to be able to exchange files between i... read more ..

International news
13 min read

They openly admit that we are on the brink of the "final war". (Michael Snyder)

Update 21.09.2023: War in Ukraine: Poland stops arms deliveries to Ukraine By Michael Snyder Most Americans have no idea how close we are ... read more ..

4 min read

Me Arnaud Dimeglio: “the DSA regulation recognizes platforms as having the power to make the law” (France-Soir)

ESSENTIAL MAINTENANCE - The European digital regulation (DSA - Digital Services Act) came into force on August 25. Me Arnaud Dimeglio presents his analysis of this complex text,... read more ..

15 min read

CSAR Regulation: the surveillance of our communications is now taking place in Brussels (LQDN)

Do people even realize what they are doing? Are we too preoccupied with figuring out how to survive? I admit these maneuvers are quite clever, but when we ... read more ..

4 min read

Renaissance MP Paul Midy, general rapporteur of the digital bill, wants to associate each account on social networks with a digital identity to which the authorities can have access

I think it's with a view to the digital identity of Davos and CBDCs (digital currencies of central banks) well, all that, it also allows systems like Chinese social credit, called... read more ..

French news
5 min read

From Samuel Paty to young Nicolas: itinerary of an above-ground rector (

Hello, I wanted to react to this tragedy, because for this child and his parents, how many victims have been crushed by the administration, I was deeply shocked when I read the letter in question that... read more ..

French news
9 min read

The EU enters war in Ukraine, bankruptcy and censorship – François Asselineau in the Samedi Politique (TV Liberté)

Hello, here is a new interview with François Asselineau by Elise Blaise on TV Liberté, it is very interesting, because he returns to current events and dismantles the blatant lies of the latter.... read more ..

3 min read

Stanislas Berton on the power of the shadow

In this quick extract (you can find much more information on his interventions in 'additional information' under the video) Stanislas Berton, allows us to gain height and... read more ..

French news
3 min read

Faced with Philippe de Villiers broadcast of 15/09/2023 (Cnews)

Hello, as you know I am a very customer of Philippe de Villiers (additional information at the bottom of the page), even if I do not understand why he supported E. Zemmour who like Rassem... read more ..

International news
8 min read

Migrants – Hell in Lampedusa, a situation completely out of control, a real, unprecedented apocalypse! (BB)

With 30 years of hindsight, don't miss the videos of Philippe de Villers below, and it will confirm to you what is happening: it's a €20.000 fine to Europe for each refused migrant. Kind regards, L’Amoufou... read more ..

International news
26 min read

Philosopher and social activist Alexandre Dugin: “Satanism amounts to putting matter before spirit” (

Hello, I'm sharing with you some thoughts (in line with ours) that Trigger pointed out to me this morning, this is entirely in line with Putin's speech and 'The Empire of Lies'... read more ..

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