Monthly Archive

August 2022

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 57 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
French news
4 min read

Hygiene: are the French the least clean in Europe? (

What pride!, France finally shines again on the WHOLE world! The land of 'lights' hahahaha.... and it's not OVER! (I assure you I'm not there... read more ..

French news
11 min read

Gazprom announces that it will "completely" suspend its gas deliveries to the French group Engie from Thursday (

hello to all, we start with a good laugh that will soon make us all cry, we are not giving them a gift, there is no reason for them to e... read more ..

International news
9 min read

Virginie Joron reveals the European roadmap on health and digital identity! - (OSP Network)

As usual, we thank Ms. Joron for this exceptional information, I would add that she is one of the few to have replied to my Twitter message, for those who believe... read more ..

7 min read

How Algorithms Destroyed Democracy - Fabrice Epelboin (ÉLUCID)

Good evening, since we've just been flogged live on Twitter by an algorithm apparently, I'll show you the full page, because it's exciting and it raises some serious questions.... In any case... read more ..

French news
<1 min

Twitter does not like the truth....

They censored the President of the United States, so a small blog like ours.... (possible government action too), or algorithmic censorship (see video below)... read more ..

Scientific news
8 min read

Microchipping of children and nanotechnology in anti-Covid injections: a reality they no longer hide (

The 'doubts' seem to be confirmed (additional information)..... think of the European digital passport and therefore of the digital €uro, the currency of... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Antivax campaign in Toulouse: the prefecture issues an order asking to remove the posters (

How it must bother them power 1000, people must not have the slightest mental escape route, and be able to question the dominant discourse we saw it yesterday &c... read more ..

International news
14 min read

Understanding the tyrannical mind and how it works (Brandon Smith)

We are right in it with Macron, his 'big seesaw' and Davos, the science of evil has political ends, it's an entire field, it's 'pathocracy', society... read more ..

12 min read

Gas and electricity shortage this winter: France is not ready (

We don't necessarily agree on everything (additional information), but we discuss, we discuss, so how will we be eaten this winter? and further... read more ..

8 min read

Emmanuel Macron ANNOUNCES the energy pass! (DIVIZIONAIR)

Very interesting this decryption of Emmanuel Macron's announcements by Mr. Di Vizio, and the entry into the great reset aka the 'great seesaw'... We leave the video on YouTube so that it is financed ... read more ..

International news
5 min read

The short video of an improvised walkabout by Emmanuel Macron cut short in Oran, Algeria, after a crush and insults (BB)

The short video of an improvised walkabout by Emmanuel Macron cut short in Oran, Algeria, after a crush and insults But the problem... read more ..

French news
5 min read

The wholesale price of electricity in France for 2023 has just crossed the threshold of 1000 euros per MWh, i.e. more than 10 times more than a year ago (BB)

hello to all, disaster announced for the French (es) !!!!!! But it is necessary to understand why also, the price of electricity at l&... read more ..

French news
7 min read

Macron announces and quotes the Great Reset in the middle of the Council of Ministers (Echelledejacob)

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well, I'm giving you some personal info as hope and encouragement...., because as I told you I was in the provinces recently , and the... read more ..

International news
6 min read

Missile/Chimney: France 2 apologizes, Check News comes to its rescue and sinks even further (LLP)

Hello I'm asking you this, there, we don't often have the opportunity to laugh (even if on the bottom it's SUPER SERIOUS), I'm going to my mother's illico to do it instantaneously... read more ..

International news
<1 min

Soldiers must prepare their families for the possibility of being sent to Ukraine to fight Russia - (Echelledejacob)

Hello everyone, I will be leaving for 24 hours to move my oldest son Thomas (the baker) who is coming home, I would have computer skills.... read more ..

International news
12 min read

Something is looming geopolitically, and we should start taking it seriously. (

I have already expressed myself at length on this (additional information), but I repeat it on purpose, because it is VERY, TR&Egr... read more ..

French news
5 min read

More than 40% of cancers in the world are due to tobacco and alcohol (

What a discovery, frankly I am amazed..., it took them what 50 years to find this? What a bunch of hypocrites, but alcohol and tobacco are two products that allow... read more ..

French news
3 min read

Employment: more than 500.000 French people resigned in the first quarter of 2022, a record (

hello to all, and we start the day and the week with good news, and 500.000 people in search of meaning in their lives, and who extract themselves ... read more ..

2 min read

Newsflash Sunday August 21, 2022: Call for donations for server rental for the next 6 months

Good evening dear readers, On August 28, 2022, we have to pay the €180 bill for the next 6 months of server rental from our ... read more ..

French news
8 min read

Petition to demand the resignation of President Emmanuel Macron

You know the situation, this morning I will be brief, we are on the verge of war and nuclear winter, of the explosion of energy prices, of famine.... read more ..

French news
8 min read

Nicolas Meilhan: “At €240 per MWh of gas, we are slowly approaching prices multiplied by 20 in a year and a half. Watching Europe's suicide helplessly is very frustrating. For who ? For what ? (BB)

No comment, we're talking about GAS but that's not ALL, for now it's 'capped' but it's NOT going to last, + explanations below.... and it's a SCAM, l... read more ..

French news
8 min read

How the Secret Service Tracked the Resistance on the Internet (LCDS)

Good evening, as you know or at least you strongly suspect, the times we live in are historic, which is why I took the initiative to... read more ..

5 min read

Menticide - Mind manipulation and mind killing (Know? See that!)

Hoping that this video will have an attentive ear to STOP the process.... The mechanisms of "mass psychosis" and totalitarianism deciphered, v... read more ..

Scientific news
27 min read

[Update] Geoengineering is a weapon that would set fire to thirsty forests… Declassified US document. (HLK)

You had questions? Here are some possible answers, thanks to the incredible work of Liliane Held-Khawam.... (Of course thanks to the no less formidable work of ALL the meds... read more ..

International news
13 min read

Vladimir Putin's incredible speech of August 16, 2022: "I repeat that the era of the unipolar world order is doomed to failure" (

We have French subtitles for Vladimir Putin's speech at the 10th Moscow Conference on International Security on August 16, 2022. During s... read more ..

International news
10 min read

Why the European Union could disappear within a year. (

Maybe less..... Reminder: INFLATION⚡️ STORM WARNING IN EUROPE ???????? Prepare for the worst 〽️ (Tatiana Ventôse) The sacrificed vassal Germany... read more ..

International news
3 min read

"Hunger stones" in some Czech and German rivers have been used to mark very low river levels and predict famines. This one, in the Elbe, dates from 1616 and says: "If you see me, cry" - (Odilon)

You know we drag our gaiters on some social networks, and Seen This is certainly not the best known, but there are quality contributors who sometimes share... read more ..

French news
2 min read

French news
6 min read

Fires: 26 suspected arsonists arrested since the beginning of the summer (

The problem is that these cranks, even if they still manage to flush out some of them, after they release them, and they start again ..... Voil... read more ..

French news
7 min read

The truth must be hidden: The elite's war against the doubters (RI)

Hello everyone, it seems that Twitter is beneficial for the blog, I will admit that I have been on the front line for 1 months, and that the reception is there... read more ..

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