Monthly Archive

February 2022

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 66 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
16 min read

Message of February 25 - Commentary of 26 by Sister Emmanuel of Medjugorje

A page of spirituality which comes at the right time in these troubled times, and which puts things into perspective, so I hope it will find an attentive ear (convert... read more ..

International news
15 min read

The US government has just admitted that this is a war that will determine who will lead the new world order. (Michael Snyder)

I almost didn't pass this post from Our Mr Doom (Michael Snyder), because it ignores the origins of this conflict and the Minsk agreements not respected by the Ukrainians since then.... read more ..

7 min read

The NATO/Russia conflict in Ukraine - François Asselineau (UPR)

If you wish, to usefully furnish this Sunday afternoon, François Asselineau, always in compliance with international law, offers you some historical reminders ... read more ..

French news
4 min read

The director of the Institut Montaigne will be tried for having drugged an employee without his knowledge (

Hello, I hope you are well, for info Google is indexing us again. In short, they really do what they want, and this morning I pass on this information to you because Laur... read more ..

French news
12 min read

The Senate commission of inquiry calls for "a rapid lifting" of the vaccine pass (

Good news, but it would have been better not to vote for it, on the other hand the senators seem to put their finger on the Defense Council, but do not say a word about the fact that... read more ..

International news
7 min read

The announcement of the military operation in the Donbass by Vladimir Putin (full version) (RT)

This is the second speech by Vladimir Putin, you can find the 1st part on the historical context of Ukraine here. In this interview Vladimir Putin talks about Syria,... read more ..

French news
6 min read

The RT France channel threatened with being cut off by Arcom (ex-CSA) (

By Caroline Sallé and Enguérand Renault Posted yesterday at 17:23 p.m., Updated yesterday at 18:05 p.m. The Russian news channel read more ..

French news
12 min read

Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, implications and compromises! (Claude January)

Emmanuel Macron, about the Ukrainian crisis, plays hide and seek between Joe Biden and Vladimir Poutine! Masterful powder in the eyes just intended for you to vote ... read more ..

Scientific news
13 min read

International news
6 min read

Independence of Lugansk and Donetsk: Putin announces his decision, full version (RT)

A meticulous communication, and a little history lesson by Vladimir Putin, it goes beyond Ukraine, so that's why, it's interesting... read more ..

International news
13 min read

Does Ukraine have the military capabilities to resist the Russian invasion? (

Vladimir Putin decided to take action tonight, and apparently not only at Dombass, I would pass no judgement. I don't know enough... read more ..

French news
5 min read

Gas, wheat: the threats of sanctions against Moscow are driving up prices... to the benefit of Russia (BFMTV)

Of the world champions, the worst is that Germany stopped Nord Stream 2 which could have ensured us a massive and inexpensive supply of Gas from Russia (which is the shock... read more ..

5 min read

Politique & Eco n°328 with Guy de La Fortelle (2nd part) – BlackRock: marching towards Biocracy (TVLibertés)

You should be able to start putting the pieces of the Puzzle together mentally (additional information), he also draws the same conclusions as us on the treatments ... read more ..

International news
3 min read

Who is Ursula von der Leyen really? A former Belgian State Security agent describes his links and networks (

Nicolas Ullens, a former State Security agent who left his post to denounce corruption within the Belgian State, read more ..

French news
12 min read

Covid-19: after a week of tolerance, “3,5 million” French people will lose their vaccine pass (

Hello, rotten atmosphere this morning, between the Russians, high finance, etc. In short, we despair that a case breaks out, but nothing, Alstom, Mc Kinsey, Wuhan, end of the Co... read more ..

French news
4 min read

The funeral of Professor Montagnier, Nobel Prize in Medicine, will take place on Tuesday February 22 (

Today was the funeral of Professor Montagnier. I also wanted to show you the tweets from Twitter, because even if our government... read more ..

International news
7 min read

Russia recognizes the independence of the Republics of Donbass (RI)

by Boris Karpov. For the past week, fighting has intensified in Donbass where the Ukrainian army is massively bombarding the Republics of Donetsk (DNR) and L read more ..

French news
3 min read

Consulting firms like Mc Kinsey, etc., have been managing France for (mini) 15 years... (C to you)

Hello, the case of covid management by Mc Kinsey brings up a much deeper evil, since these methods have been used in all sectors for at least 15 years!... read more ..

5 min read

BlackRock: the nebula of scandal (1st part) - Politique & Eco n°327 with Guy de La Fortelle (TVLibertés)

Well, I release the video for you because it will take me a while to see the two opuses. But we had already listened to Guy de La Fortelle on the &ea... read more ..

French news
7 min read

Why was the name of Jean-Luc Brunel, found dead in prison, cited in the Epstein case? (

Hello, I hope you're holding up, this morning, unfortunately we have confirmation that France is a banana republic like the United States (we also learn ... read more ..

International news
12 min read

International news
<1 min

V. Putin on Ukraine: Do you want France to go to war with Russia?

As none of our dear media relays the words of Mr Poutine, we decided to broadcast them, because it concerns us directly anyway. Always p... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Covid-19: Anti-passes in the street, indifferent to the government's "electoralist" promises (

hello to all, it's Sunday, but I'll spare you this, because it's nice. People are not fooled (since all this is part of the past of the... read more ..

11 min read

My wife has credit (LCP)

Hello or good evening, it will depend; ), Spartou pointed me to this LCP documentary on the Chinese social credit system, the fact is that we have information about the structure, the goblabl system... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Novavax, Valneva, Paxlovid, new weapons from Big Pharma (

Hello, we had put a lot of hope on these new vaccines because of the dictatorship of the health pass and its possible extension to the professional world. Alas... read more ..

French news
8 min read

We must stop living like slaves or submissives – Éric Verhaeghe (Epoch Time)

Look, I have real news, there are really well-informed people, so that's cause for hope, despite the media's screed, like read more ..

International news
6 min read

Alert: FDA director general Christopher Cole admits to approving vaccines for money

The Director General of the FDA was trapped on hidden camera (see video below) by the independent journalists of Project V... read more ..

International news
7 min read

A banking crisis? Canada's major banks are mysteriously going offline. (

Emmanuel Macron's Davossian alter ego, Justin Trudeau, seems to have succeeded in creating a bankrupt bankrupt from scratch due to lack of liquidity.... read more ..

International news
12 min read

The vaccination pass will soon be integrated into the European digital passport. Digitized, traced, and soon chipped! (Claude January)

Bad news: the European digital identity wallet has passed the stage of puberty. He will become an adult from September 2022. Thank you &... read more ..

10 min read

Privacy Policy is committed to protecting your privacy and personal data when you use our services and visit our website. This policy of conf read more ..