Monthly Archive

November 2021

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 64 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
French news
3 min read

Thanks to the Omicron variant, Martin Blachier exposes his doubts about the global management of Covid-19 (

Hello, I was very happy with the words of Martin Blachier, who on the LCI channel, exposes his doubts about the global management of Covid-19, he had been the... read more ..

International news
11 min read

OMICRON: A perfectly timed variant to scare the unruly into submission (TOP)

Daisy Luther reflects on the Omicron variant which, as she says, comes at the right time as protests escalate around the world, also as we have... read more ..

10 min read

Florian Philippot: truth interview on LCI then CNews! (The Patriots)

Whatever our internal communication problems, in the face of such attacks during this interview, I can only support Florian Philippot in his approach, in addition it is... read more ..

French news
8 min read

According to a survey, a third of French people cannot afford Christmas gifts (

Hello everyone, a third anyway, or 33%, I will not go back to all the fixed charges, etc. (additional information), I just remind you that (d... read more ..

16 min read

Commentary on the message of November 25, 2021 with Sister Emmanuel of Medjugorje.

Today is Sunday, and here is the short version with the November 25 message. Friendships, f. To support us in the creation of videos: https://www.enfantsdemedj... read more ..

International news
7 min read

Website reveals France complicit in heinous crimes committed by Egyptian state (

I thought that we had sold them Amesys or Qosmos, not even (well that does not exclude), in any case without Disclose we would not have known anything about these surgical strikes... read more ..

International news
3 min read

The South African Medical Association claims that the Omicron variant causes "mild disease" (

As with the Delta Variant, the Omicron variant causes a mild illness, that should reassure the crowds, thanks to mediaen442, good pick. JOHANNESBURG (Reuters... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Will the dazzling "Variant Omicron" reveal the impasse of the "Véran - Macron" strategy? (UPR)

Hello everyone, I found this intervention by François Asselineau very good, because with this Omicron variant as with the 'Delta' variant t... read more ..

French news
9 min read

“Black Friday” is a scam that encourages overconsumption (

Good evening everyone, I hope you are well, and after the real, the virtual, if you escaped Black Friday today, it's... read more ..

3 min read

Everything goes up and the trees will go up to the sky... is it possible? (

Charles Sannat asks a good question (which I ask myself almost every day...), because it's true that since 2009, stock market prices have been artificially stimulated by the boards... read more ..

French news
9 min read

Maître Fargepallet: “In Nîmes, the judge has no humanity for non-vaccinated caregivers” (CDS)

Hello everyone, this morning I wanted to share this post by Éric Verhaeghe, because it highlights the difficult (see unbearable) situation of people... read more ..

10 min read

Review of Dispossession and Planetary Coup - by Bernard Gensane (LHK)

It's topical, also it's a good gift for the end of the year celebrations, well I mean, a gift that makes sense (besides we offer you several works... read more ..

7 min read

Globalism: the tyranny of the ultra-liberal elites - Politique & Eco n°321 with Philippe Murer (TVLibertés)

To invite reflection and action, I have nothing to add, I have put some 'additional information' at the bottom of the pages... read more ..

French news
13 min read

Implosion. France will collapse on itself! - Editorial by Charles SANNAT (

Hello everyone, this morning I wanted to share this post by Charles Sannat with you, it's a bit 'hard' to start the day, but it's been a b... read more ..

5 min read

It's Cash! - Future of energy: how to avoid failure? (RT)

Very interesting interview with Cash on energy, but I denounce the fact that we are sleazy on shale gas, we should NEVER implement it, for the... read more ..

French news
3 min read

Guadeloupe. The government will make vaccines without messenger RNA available to caregivers (

That's a smart answer, they just have to re-distribute the ivermectin they seized.....But if I'm not mistaken, it's misery that took over.... read more ..

French news
10 min read

Presidential: "Anyone who works full time will receive at least 1500 euros net per month", promises Xavier Bertrand (

Hello everyone, well I'm telling you right away, I don't like Xavier Bertrand, in short, it's a story of feelings and information, for the rest it's... read more ..

International news
3 min read

Covid: Germans will be "vaccinated, cured or dead" at the end of winter according to the Minister of Health (

As in Australia or Austria, the Covid madness has struck again, hiding under pretexts (which they claim are in the general interest).... read more ..

International news
10 min read

Africa avoids COVID catastrophe, but scientists remain puzzled and wary - (

When the coronavirus emerged last year, health officials feared the pandemic would sweep across Africa, claiming millions of lives and destroying ... read more ..

8 min read

Professor Perronne throws everything on Cnews - November 21, 2021 (Cnews)

Hello everyone, I hope you had a good weekend. This morning, it's Professor Perronne's big comeback on Cnews, and it feels good. Remember they took his c... read more ..

International news
8 min read

Media silence in the face of mass protests against health restrictions around the world (TFTP)

Anti-Covid demonstrations all over the world, and not a word in the mainstream media (which are prisoners of their demons). Moreover, France is not left out,... read more ..

French news
6 min read

What did Alexander, the son of George Soros, do at the Elysée? (

In 2017, George Soros transferred 15,2 billion euros of his fortune to the Open Society Foundation, making it the second largest charitable foundation ... read more ..

International news
2 min read

Netherlands: injured by police fire during an anti-covid demonstration in Rotterdam (

According to the information we have on Twitter, the shots by the Dutch police were with real ammunition, and there would be 7 injured (no more information).... read more ..

French news
6 min read

The Deep State. Health Defense Council: the underside of Secret-Defense still misguided? (

We won't let go, they granted themselves impunity for 50 years! Please understand that no investigation can take place on the COVID crisis, and they will not be... read more ..

International news
6 min read

Austria and Germany in turmoil: dissidents sound the alarm - (FranceSoir)

As you know, the situation is serious, and then you know that Austria is a somewhat special country, it is the country of birth of Adolf Hitler, so they have m&oelig... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Towards the end of mutuals? What you need to know about the "Grande sécu" project, supported by Olivier Véran - (BFMTV)

Hello everyone, a post from Catherine L on twitter, whom we thank for her unfailing support, What to understand with this story of... read more ..

Scientific news
10 min read

Vaccines: immediate and long-term dangers of the 3rd dose (

We have already alerted you to this, ADEs are a possibility, so with the next mutations, will this 3rd dose backfire?... read more ..

International news
18 min read

The Grand Narrative and the Metaverse, Part 1: A Dystopian Vision of the Future (TLAV)

Good evening everyone, I guess you have had time to watch the news, and apart from the government propaganda (which we will not relay), there is... read more ..

International news
11 min read

"Personal Carbon Allowance" Carbon Calculator Credit Card Metrics. (TOP)

And all this for a deception..., and an announced catastrophe... it will be perfectly in phase with the digital identity card of Atos, the digital currency... read more ..

French news
8 min read

Audiences: the worrying drop in time spent in front of the TV (

Hello everyone, good news to start the day, personally I told you, I haven't watched TV for at least 10 years, and... read more ..