Monthly Archive

April 2020

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 103 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
International news
14 min read

The dangers of COVID-19 surveillance proposals and the future of protest (

They've been waiting for this for a long time, and we're giving them a legitimate reason to make all this surveillance video official. They talk about use... read more ..

International news
13 min read

Analysis: Experts warn that ISIS could use the COVID-19 crisis to stage a global resurgence (

Everyone knows that reality is much more nuanced than black or white (additional information). But as it will be just another good pr&e... read more ..

French news
10 min read

Confined, deconfined, monitored (

Hello everyone, and a new day of confinement, but good news from our side. You know, we changed clouds (server) 3 weeks ago... read more ..

International news
8 min read

Your freedoms shouldn't be muzzled just because you're wearing a mask (

For all intents and purposes, the Constitution is still in effect in theory, if not in practice. John W. Whitehead (TRI Opinion) - Despite all appearances contrary read more ..

3 min read

Four unnoticed facts in the speech of E. Philippe (Let's dare to talk)

Reminder: IT'S CASH! - Will the Covid-19 crisis sign the end of the European Union? (RT) What is Dare to Cause for us? Hi ! :) Let's talk... read more ..

French news
7 min read

Intermarché announces the sale of “90 million surgical masks at cost price” (Le

Good news for the One. I'm busy in the back office where I have SEO errors to correct, so it's going to take a lot of time. I'm actually going... read more ..

International news
4 min read

Next Step in the Coronavirus Tyranny Pandemic: Forced Vaccinations and “Digital Certificates” (Activistpost)

By Dr. Ron Paul During my first week in the House of Representatives in 1976, I voted one of two times against legislation dealing with the read more ..

French news
15 min read

StopCovid: will the French really have the choice to refuse the tracing app? (

Hi I hope you're fine. This morning, to start the day, a few questions about StopCovid. The government application, and an article from Numérama... read more ..

3 min read

IT'S CASH! - Will the Covid-19 crisis sign the end of the European Union? (RT)

For those who want to know more about the rescue plan for Europe, I recall the detailed explanations of François Asselineau Olivier Delamarche Rô... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Coronavirus. Mortality in intensive care would be 3 to 4 times higher than the official figures (

While the government evoked, a few days ago, a mortality rate in intensive care unit of around 10% because of the new coronavirus, the data... read more ..

French news
13 min read

Nuclear: during confinement, a massive and illegal recourse to subcontracting (

This needs to be known... In 2015, during work at the Gravelines nuclear power plant. Denis Charlet/AFP Since the 2000s, EDF has had a system to... read more ..

International news
14 min read

CV-1984: China sets up digital currency test in four cities, Western companies participate in test (Activistpost)

If they back their currency on gold, it's the death of the dollar... And they will explode everything... Which (as you will read) would also be part of their Orwellian regime... read more ..

3 min read

FILM ON THE INTERNET: ... Garabandal God alone knows in French version

The film can be seen on May 1, 2, 3 at 20:30 p.m. and at 17:30 p.m. on May 3. Buy your e-ticket directly on the platform read more ..

5 min read

Speech by François Asselineau on the internal situation of the UPR

We come back to this storm in a glass of water... But from my experience, like all political parties, the UPR is quite monolithic and vertical... May... read more ..

French news
6 min read

In full confinement, a condemned homeless man opens his veins at the end of the hearing (RP)

This Monday, April 20, a homeless man opened his veins at the end of his hearing following his sentence to two months in prison with continued detention tells Ouest-F read more ..

French news
4 min read

The antiviral Remdesivir from the American laboratory Gilead Sciences has failed to improve the condition of Covid-19 patients (

Hello Saturday, so light program, and I chose this morning, this news on Remdesivir, because it was one of the government's options, and therefore another way out that... read more ..

Scientific news
5 min read

COVID-19: The virus has already mutated into more than 30 different strains (

You remember, we asked ourselves the question, in the context of a possible vaccine, since the French press and the foreign press did not have the same point of view.... read more ..

International news
5 min read

Air pollution has fallen by 60% in major cities around the world thanks to lockdowns (

“The drastic reduction in air pollution during COVID-19 lockdowns shows how our habits and behaviors directly impact the air we breathe. read more ..

French news
6 min read

Shortage of medicines: an organized lack of foresight (

The head of the pharmacy at the Henri-Mondor hospital recounts the underside of the lack of medicines. He denounces the behavior of pharmaceutical companies and governments read more ..

French news
9 min read

François Asselineau "denies" accusations of harassment (BFMTV)

As the UPR risks taking off with this coronavirus crisis, they have certainly tried to discredit it. Update 26.04.2020: Speech by François Asselineau on the ... read more ..

French news
2 min read

Masks distributed to the French from May 4 (

Hi I hope you're fine. So, regarding these masks, this might seem like good news, but fabric masks do not protect against the virus, only... read more ..

8 min read

Out of Shadows: How the Media and Hollywood Are Brainwashing Us (

Good evening, I became aware of the existence of this documentary at Fawkes during the day, I just watched it, it is highly disturbing. But you have to do the... read more ..

International news
11 min read

Pandemic and Economic Collapse: The Next 60 Days (Brandon Smith)

This concerns the USA more particularly, but we can draw interesting parallels with France, which is also planning to reopen on May 11. Moreover, Emmanuel read more ..

French news
8 min read

Macron reopens schools: the underside of a very political decision... and very risky (

Well there you go, you will understand everything about the reasons for this early déconfinement. That's what we thought too, and it ties in with the previous post... read more ..

French news
7 min read

[Reflection] Defense Witness (LSF)

The "invisible hand" of the markets is an expression of Adam Smith to whom we owe all our current misfortune, may history lift the veil on its ... read more ..

Scientific news
2 min read

Covid-19: the hypothesis of the central role of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and its preventive and therapeutic implications (APHP)

Completely reliable source, since these are the hospitals of Paris, our nurse friend in the East had told us too. But if you're a smoker don't take this... read more ..

International news
4 min read

Mutated strain of coronavirus in India could end all efforts to create a vaccine (

The French press tells us that the Covid-19 is 'stable' and hardly mutates. Professor Montaigner, and the international press say the opposite, so there are bound to be... read more ..

International news
7 min read

The UN now admits that this coronavirus pandemic could cause famines of “biblical proportions”. (Michael Snyder)

I have the greatest concern for the countries of Africa which do not have the necessary infrastructures to treat people. But that said, in Morocco, you find masks ... read more ..

French news
11 min read

Urban violence: the specter of contagion (Le

hello, this morning a lot of questions about the possible recovery on May 11th, especially for school, so people are getting impatient, and me first. The concern is... read more ..

International news
8 min read

The collapse in the price of oil is another sign that economic activity is collapsing dramatically around the world (Michael Snyder)

We were talking about it this morning, on this I wish you a pleasant confined evening; ) friendships, f. The madness we are currently witnessing on the marks... read more ..

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