Monthly Archive

August 2019

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 126 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
French news
3 min read

The recall referendum (Revoc)

One of our readers wanted to share this post; thanks to him. f. The endemic anger that is shaking our country can only be accentuated by the behavior of... read more ..

French news
3 min read

Back to school: the concern of parents of disabled children (FranceInfo)

Unfortunately, this is a problem that I know of. One of my sons had a slight delay when he was small, he was entitled to a school life assistant, but he did not.... read more ..

Black Mirror
2 min read

Black Mirror Season 1, Episode 2/3: 15 Million Merits

Well, it's finally Friday night and it's finally the weekend, so we've decided to try (and I mean try;), to give you an episode of the "Black Mirror" series on Friday.... read more ..

International news
15 min read

An indicator with a 100% perfect forecast of recessions says another one is about to arrive

They also talk about it in the mainstream press, when the yield on 5 or 2 year bonds is higher than that at 10 or 30 years, it is frankly that the future poses questions... read more ..

International news
7 min read

U.S. offensive cyber campaign undermined Iran's strike capabilities, sources say (Intelnews)

Well, this time they assume, not like Venezuela... The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (Revolutionary Guards) is still recovering from the damage q... read more ..

3 min read

Daily Stock Exchange - If you are in the scheme, it wins every time! (Agora)

It's noon, it's time for our little video break. I also wanted to thank all our followers on Twitter, Facebook, Seenthis, etc. If the Audi Record Low Blog... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Bruno Le Maire announces the privatization of the FDJ "in the coming months" (RT)

I don't believe these figures, 69 million in profits for the FDJ, that would make me laugh... The Minister of Economy and Finance confirmed dev... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Pesticides: The State will impose "no-treatment zones" if residents, elected officials and farmers cannot reach an agreement (20 minutes)

5 meters is not enough, especially since these crap are airborne with the wind, otherwise it's good news. Things are moving forward, and the farmers seem... read more ..

9 min read

Lip-reading surveillance cameras will radically change society (Express)

Anyway, since nobody cares..., when questioned, people answer "that they have nothing to hide...", ... read more ..

International news
13 min read

One of Trump and McConnell's top financial backers is one of the drivers of deforestation in the Amazon (The Intercept)

And we buy their soybeans to fatten our farm animals, the circle is complete... Update 29.08.2019: Fires in the Amazon: doubts about the effectiveness of... read more ..

<1 min

IT'S CASH! CETA: the controversial treaty

Back on one more heresy, definitely we always find the same ones in ambush... But there, what is nice for them (among others), is that the ... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Anticor: "The choice of Sylvie Goulard is disastrous for the image of France" (Challenges)

When I saw that on TV I said it's not true, here she is again, Sylvie Goulard, who should we remember, is an American agent.... Already ... read more ..

French news
9 min read

The Secret Life of Teenagers - "We're polyamorous, you know? " (Point)

EPISODE 1. Bi, pan, poly... Writer and supervisor Nora Bussigny collected testimonials from Generation Z high school students who told her read more ..

French news
8 min read

Is there a "deep state", a formula used by Emmanuel Macron during the G7? (Marianne)

Below is President Dwight D. Eisenhower's TV Intervention during his farewell address on April 16, 1953, where he warns Americans against the infiltration of th... read more ..

The roads of the impossible
2 min read

The roads of the impossible: India, the tightrope walkers of the Himalayas (FranceTv)

The news being what it is, it is often quite desperate. So we decided to help you escape. We will go from... read more ..

Scientific news
9 min read

The first domestic hydrogen boiler has been in service since June 25 (Le Moniteur)

Very very good news, indeed the big problem with wind turbines and solar panels is that we know very little about storing electricity,... read more ..

High-Tech News
3 min read

How can technology radically change the Earth?

In today's world, there will always be innovators and creators who want to impact the world, which means change is a natural process. The technology has ... read more ..

International news
6 min read

Breaking Media Blackout on Julian Assange's Incarceration (Mint Press)

The same media that spent years dragging Assange's name through the mud are now embarking on a total blackout on his treatment. If V... read more ..

<1 min

2019 - LHDSR Short Release before the next video

Good news in this little video aside, so we are impatiently awaiting September 6.... (You can find the previous LHDSR opuses in complete information... read more ..

French news
8 min read

Reminder: Public forests - The State is considering the dismantling of the ONF (Reporterre)

No comment... We're walking on our heads as usual... Finally we're used to it with Macron, ADP, Engie, Alstom, Technip, FDJ, Our electric dams, etc.... and now our fo... read more ..

International news
9 min read

Tensions over Kashmir issue continue to escalate (Neo)

I took advantage of this post from the New Eastern Outlook to get some information on what is happening in Kashmir, which is located at the intersection between India,... read more ..

International news
11 min read

UN recommends replacement immigration for France, Italy and Germany (Islamization)

We are getting there, so you will understand the objectives of the Marrakech pact, etc. You see, these are by no means the fantasies of retarded xenophobes, this is a totally political... read more ..

5 min read

Is real estate still a good investment? - Olivier Delamarche, the economy without language of wood

As with the low rates I am interested in buying my house, this interests me particularly, and I think I am not the only one. On the other hand, Olivia... read more ..

French news
14 min read

Uberization: how a lobbyist wrote the influential Institut Montaigne report on workers' rights (Marianne)

Generalized precariousness, and for Everyone, here is the model of society they want to impose on us, and for the greatest happiness of the ac read more ..

Jeux d'influence
11 min read

Games of influence - episode 7/8 (Arte)

Our Monday series, so here is episode n°7 of the Arte Influence Games series. Good evening, ; ) f. Oscar-winning director read more ..

International news
5 min read

Trump's bid to buy Greenland shows 'Arctic scramble' is really upon us (The Guardian)

The port and town of Tasiilaq on the east coast of Greenland. Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters World powers are racing to exploit the vas read more ..

International news
5 min read

Why nobody talks about the titanic fires in sub-Saharan Africa (La VDN)

  In Angola, Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania and Zambia, thousands of fires consume phenomenal quantities read more ..

International news
1 min read

Germany: the specter of recession hangs over the country's economy (France Info)

Set up as a model for years, economic activity in Germany declined in the second quarter of 2019. The first read more ..

2 min read

EA81: Brexit - G. Conte - Merkel - USA - Poutine - Macron (UPR)

I have put some of the topics covered in this topical interview by François Asselineau in additional information at the bottom of the page.   ... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Taxation of multinationals: France and the United States in search of a compromise (Les Echos)

In Biarritz, Emmanuel Macron offered Donald Trump a compromise on the taxation of multinationals. The 3% Gafa tax voted by France could be abandoned read more ..