Monthly Archive

February 2019

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 136 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
High-Tech News
4 min read

Facebook moderators end up traumatized and conspiratorial

VIDEO. Precariousness, stress, isolation..., the American site The Verge publishes a damning survey on the daily life of Facebook moderators in the United States. It is one of many companies... read more ..

International news
4 min read

Playboy model who had evidence of elite pedophile ring found dead

A Playboy model who uncovered evidence of an elite international pedophile ring has been found dead weeks alone... read more ..

French news
10 min read

*** ASYLUM SEEKER ***: ... earns €204 to €426/month in cash + free in kind (€80 transport to Paris, accommodation, care, food, etc.) i.e. €800-1000/month + aid from NGOs, Soros, association, various funds + undeclared work or legal work 1 ... En résu... read more ..

French news
7 min read

In 20 years of the single currency, each French person has lost an average of €55.996

1 ... The euro has succeeded in its objective, to impoverish the middle class, to create the conditions for world bankruptcy and future spoliation to bring about the Revolution. 2 ... read more ..

Scientific news
5 min read

Is your cat grumpy? It could be your fault...

Come on, to relax at the end of the day, we take care of more than 7 cats, but 3 live at home, 2 to my sons and one to me, and we escape... read more ..

9 min read

Reminder: QUIMPER: ... Conference on Garabandal on Saturday March 9 at 15 p.m. + Flyers for your blogs/distribution/Facebook/Twitter etc (TO SHARE & DISTRIBUTE often, thank you in advance)

Hello everyone. In this troubled world, we have with this apparition, a beacon to situate ourselves as Catholics. Here is the announcement of a conference read more ..

3 min read

Politics and Economics n°204 - TV Libertés February 25, 2019 - Pierre Jovanovic: Recession in sight, tsunami-like

Pierre Jovanovic is a French journalist, essayist, writer, publisher and lecturer of Serbian origin, born January 3, 1960 in Belgrade (Serbia). read more ..

French news
4 min read

Blunder at the TGI? Put in a common box, Benalla and Crase would have exchanged for an hour...

Vincent Crase and Alexandre Benalla in Paris on May 1, 2018 (illustration image). Due to an email that was not sent to the escor read more ..

<1 min

Good deal: Office 2016 Plus Pro for €22,99; ))))))))

The good plan of the day, I have a table of accounts in dynamic table since 2003, and Excel 2007 was starting to struggle, I never found a version read more ..

French news
7 min read

Reform of the ISF: the expected results are not yet there

While Emmanuel Macron promised a "runoff" thanks to the abolition of the ISF, replaced by the property wealth tax (IF... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Three organic farmers file a complaint against the State for delays in payment of aid

Fruit from organic farming on stalls (illustration). — Loïc Venance They can't wait any longer. Three farmers under the labe read more ..

Scientific news
6 min read

Sleep: the secrets to being lucid during your dreams and taking control of them

We spend about 30% of our lives sleeping, and a good part of that time dreaming. Our brain captures all the events of the day, and records m... read more ..

International news
2 min read

Kurdish soldiers: 8000 dead in the ultimate battle against Daesh

We can thank the Kurds who are an example of courage. Moreover, they talk about the 800 Daesh men mentioned in the article that we translated for you (4000 with their... read more ..

French news
8 min read

Etzling: Joseph Muller, an electrician engaged against Linky

A former electrician, Joseph Muller is part of the Stop Linky Rouhling collective. He is convinced: Linky, the new meter from Enedis, a subsidiary of EDF, is dangerous. a topic... read more ..

French news
10 min read

HysetCo, flagship for mobility under the sign of hydrogen

Good news to start the day, things are changing, and the stations are expensive, because it's not democratized. Where I stand... read more ..

High-Tech News
3 min read A store of Electronic Cigarettes and E-liquids at unbeatable prices

One of our readers opened for 1 year, a site selling electronic cigarettes and E-Liquid. It offers very attractive prices, spending around 100 to 130€ on e-liquids and resists. read more ..

International news
9 min read

The United States has not yet completely withdrawn from Syria, the 200 members of the “peacekeeping group” will remain there.

White House says 200 troops will remain in country after Donald Trump was forced to leave some behind to protect k campaigners... read more ..

5 min read

The decline of insects – Speech by François Asselineau on February 16, 2019 (UPR)

I take the liberty of pointing out this interview by François Asselineau, which addresses one of our battle horses, it is the natural balance and therefore the programmed disappearance... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Schedule of Yellow Vests Demonstrations on Saturday February 23, 2019

Do not forget that beyond the Macron case, it is Europe that must be targeted... Macron is only a straw man imposed by the powers of money... ... read more ..

French news
3 min read

Poulehouse provides refuge for laying hens

A great initiative that I wanted to promote, Fabien Sauleman, Elodie Pellegrain and Sébastien Neusch, co-founders of Poulehouse The start-up is taking over... read more ..

French news
4 min read

A scourge: Four people die every week in France because of painkillers

I had explained to you my unfortunate experience with this type of medication, as in the United States, these medications are often prescribed without any real training in medication.... read more ..

<1 min now has its Tipeee page

Many Internet users have told us of their reluctance to make a donation to us via PayPal. Also, we now have our Tipeee page. The goal is not to earn ar... read more ..

8 min read

Online purchases: alert against “formjacking”, this new technique for stealing your bank details

Very worrying... Note, if you don't have money like us, that should immediately limit the problem; )))))... For the others, good luck, with a little... read more ..

Scientific news
10 min read

5G is “the dumbest idea in the history of the world” says Professor Dr. Martin L. Pall of Washington

More technical details on 5G in this article, you know, the more time passes, the more I think this is totally crazy. They are ready to make us sick and no... read more ..

International news
10 min read

A new arms race? Vladimir Putin warns that Russia will react to any US deployment of nuclear weapons in Europe

And you know why the Americans withdrew from this INF treaty? (which dated back to the Cold War). This is because they have developed new read more ..

International news
6 min read

VIDEO. United States: over 80, they are still forced to work (and there are more and more of them)

In the United States, as in Germany or Japan, do you find this normal in 2019? So how long do you think you will be saved? He doesn't tell you, but,  ... read more ..

7 min read

Philippot: "The Euro is a weapon of mass destruction in front of which we lie down" (Sputnik)

Florian Philippot, born October 24, 1981 in Croix (Nord), is a senior French civil servant and politician. Claiming Gaullism and sovereignism, he read more ..

French news
6 min read

Benalla case: the Senate points out the flaws of the Élysée

Here too, remember the courageous testimony of Mr. Yves Lefebvre (below), police officer and secretary general of the SGP-Police FO Unit, during... read more ..

French news
3 min read

The departmental referent of "Young people with Macron" resigns with a bang

Jimmy Brumant is not the first to denounce the opacity of the movement and the dictatorship at LREM remember (additional information). Moreover, under his ... read more ..

High-Tech News
5 min read

TESLA TERMINATOR: Tesla Autopilot veers off highway, crashes into traffic signs, as driver stranded unable to take control

With unmanned electric cars, the future promises to be DAZZLING... They can't even make batteries or e-cigarettes that are safe. So cars read more ..