Monthly Archive

November 2018

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 83 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
6 min read

Cash Investigation: “Implants: all guinea pigs? »

Personally I have two stents, so I will watch this with interest, money always money... The magazine "Cash Investigation" (Facebook, Twi... read more ..

French news
8 min read

Yellow Vests Spokesperson Explains Government's Powerlessness: 'Nothing Will Change Until the People Rise Up'

From Colbert to Mazarin: The middle classes, neither poor nor rich... Colbert: To find money, there comes a time when fiddling is no longer enough. I would like ... read more ..

French news
18 min read

“States can go bankrupt. France and Italy cited in Natixis' latest analysis!!! »… (Enraged Sheep)

Clear explanations should be given by the executive, instead of finding bogus pretexts. I advise you to complete, the excellent art... read more ..

Scientific news
6 min read

“GMO babies”: the pressure is increasing on the Chinese researcher

This is, unfortunately, only the beginning. Who controls the states or the private companies doing what they want in the secrecy of their labs... ??? S... read more ..

3 min read

Moment of relaxation (?): An American starts a giant fire by announcing the sex of his future baby

Idiocracy live..., In 2017, the man had started a fire in Arizona, burning 20.000 hectares. He was sentenced to a very... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Ophthalmologist, gynecologist... the delays to get an appointment are getting longer and longer

FYI, here, in my little village 30km south of Paris, 15 days to have an appointment with the GP (in the AM if real emergency), 365 days for... read more ..

French news
3 min read

"Yellow Vests": French support for the movement gains seven points in one week (84%) despite Emmanuel Macron's announcements on ecology, according to a poll

Listen, big speeches are useless, I end the month at -300€ on my account and -200€ on my wife's account. We wondered for many years... read more ..

8 min read

Big salaries, privileges and waste: investigation of the billions of Europe (France 3)

I tell you, the situation is grotesque and despite our efforts for almost 9 years! People don't pick up on what's going on behind the scenes, or they don't give a damn... read more ..

5 min read

Senior civil servants at 25.000 euros per month: the 600 "Intouchables" of Bercy

“At Bercy 1, we earn up to 300.000 euros per year” – or 25.000 euros per month! (€25.000x600=€15.000.000 / month x 12 = 18 read more ..

6 min read

Should salary scales linked to seniority be abolished? (Belgium)

The share of wages already represents only 5,3% of company expenses instead of the usual 33%, this to give more money to shareholders, but this does not... read more ..

French news
3 min read

While the La Hague pools are saturated, Orano wants to import Japanese spent nuclear fuel

More details on the situation of La Hague in this Article. At the end of October 2018, the Orano group signed a contract with JAEA1 (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) for a major flight... read more ..

French news
9 min read

“Ecological transition? Why don't we talk about economic transition!!! (Charles SANNAT)

Wholeheartedly agree, My dear impertinents, my dear impertinents, By doing Brussels policy for years, namely an Eastern policy&... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Yellow vests, associations, opposition… Macron's speech does not convince anyone

I listened to the speech on the radio. He did not even mention the tax evasion which costs 100 billion euros per year to ... read more ..

3 min read

Politics and Economics N° 193 - TV Libertés November 26, 2018 - Pierre Jovanovic: Yellow vests, public debt, power of the banks

Pierre Jovanovic is a French journalist, essayist, writer, publisher and lecturer of Serbian origin, born January 3, 1960 in Belgrade (Serbia). read more ..

French news
3 min read

Several tax centers were walled off during the night of November 25, 2018

Excellent ! Already we can't even reach them on the phone, it's not worth it for them to go to the office to do extra work. Big surprise... read more ..

French news
7 min read

Who chose the eight spokespersons for the yellow vests? What are their demands?

  Update 01.12.2018: Lower taxes, popular referendum, zero homeless... We have dissected the 42 demands of the "yellow vests" (France Tv Info read more ..

International news
5 min read

The increase in wages has never been so low for ten years

In its annual report, the International Labor Organization (ILO) also establishes the wage gap between men and women at 20%. In a factory read more ..

International news
5 min read

Pierre Le Corf from Aleppo: "The chemical weapons rockets, we received them from Idlib"

This is a situation that we have been trying to explain to you since the beginning of the conflict, but no one seems to believe us or pay attention to it. Also, here is a rare testimony... read more ..

3 min read

Moment of relaxation (?): At the Pôle Emploi Evreux, an unemployed woman is asked to bring her paper to print her CV

Monday November 19, a resident of Gravigny went to her Pôle Emploi agency in Evreux to modify and print her CV. He was then told that the paper does not &ea read more ..

French news
5 min read

Yellow vests: the leaders of the breakers would belong to the ultra left

When I heard this term "brown plague", I wanted to vomit. They refer to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to talk about yellow vests... read more ..

French news
4 min read

The government wants to remove tax aid to accommodate the homeless

Disgusting, especially since with the policy of successive governments for 10 years there are +44% of homeless people, and it's the same everywhere in Europe, moreover with the new LREM law if you hesitate... read more ..

8 min read

Interview with François Asselineau – Current Issues n° 74 of November 22, 2018: Yellow Vests - Macron - Italian Budget - Brexit - Fake News Law - Legislatives

It is Sunday, and it is a day that I particularly appreciate to watch with a relaxed head the UPR news interviews which are... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Yellow vests: clashes on the Champs-Elysées and mobilization of the Army, and even the Belgian Army! (Eurogenfor)

Hello, everyone has seen the images of the Yellow Vests on the Champs-Élysées, but we pass them for archiving. Of course, all these videos have been... read more ..

<1 min

P. Jovanovic - L. Fendt: The press review (November 2018)

Because the hour is serious, but not that...; ))), We are pleased to find our two friends for this new November press review. Source: Info... read more ..

French news
9 min read

The financial room for maneuver of the French is shrinking

FRANCE: ... living with €2000/month alone or €3000/month as a couple ... constrained expenses 61% of the budget Taxation of all kinds (social charges and taxes) and price of housing... read more ..

French news
21 min read

François Asselineau invites the Yellow Vests to demand the dismissal of Emmanuel Macron

Admit it, that would be funny! This is why the government announces measures for Tuesday, so they defuse any major action for this weekend.... read more ..

International news
10 min read

Does Greece plan to sell some of its archaeological sites?

GREECE: ... in bankruptcy will sell its historic sites php https://fr.expre... read more ..

French news
21 min read

France would be officially in dictatorship since December 5, 2016

I am quite reluctant in the face of this kind of political group, which disseminates punchy information on the internet in view of placing itself in power. But the decree exists, when... read more ..

French news
3 min read

VIDEO. "We tell customers that we are in France": the daily life of a call center in Madagascar

Chronopost, whose exploits in France I told you about, and which hires delivery services by the day or half-day, continues to shine... read more ..

International news
7 min read

Wall Street plunges again and erases all its gains made since January

According to certain confidential information, you were warned at the beginning of the month of a possible crash, which would take place in November or December, for a real impact ... read more ..