Monthly Archive

July 2018

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 26 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
French news
9 min read

Did these banks steal or just lose their customers' gold?

FRANCE: ... Societe Generale exonerated from its responsibility in the event of disappearance without breaking and entering of the gold in its vaults 1 ... This amounts to &a... read more ..

French news
8 min read

Popularity. Macron at its lowest level in July, according to seven polling institutes

As François Asselineau says, in one year Emmanuel Macron is almost as unpopular as François Hollande after 5 years... Hats off to the artist... Update 27.07.2018: Ap... read more ..

7 min read

Benallagate: The Benalla Affair explosive testimony on Macron's spooks

Fortunately there are still courageous police officers, listen to the testimony of Mr. Yves Lefebvre, police officer and secretary general of the SGP-Police FO Unit at ... read more ..

French news
2 min read

Saint Tropez. Yacht owners refuse to help rescuers at sea

Illustrative photo. | FOTOLIA A call for donations had been launched in mid-June by the National Society for Rescue at Sea (SNSM) of Saint-Tropez after read more ..

2 min read

Newsflash Monday, July 30, 2018: "Call for monthly donations for the rental of the semi-dedicated server and associated services"

Good evening dear readers, It's been more than a month since we made a call for donations, so I'm sending you a message concerning help for an event.... read more ..

International news
3 min read

The heat wave could kill 2500 in Belgium (Update)

BELGIUM: ... The heat wave could cause 2500 deaths = ZERO in France because fake news Anonymous contributor Editor's note. Just a reminder: think of your loved ones and the people... read more ..

10 min read

Appeal by François Asselineau to opposition parliamentarians for the commitment of art. 68 (Const.)…

The list would be too long of what can be blamed on Macron. It is time to make him understand that he has duties towards France. This France that he... read more ..

French news
8 min read

Benalla case – “Let them come get me…”: Emmanuel Macron’s sentence makes the opposition jump…

It's really brave as a posture, while he is protected by his presidential immunity, but it is nonetheless an admission... He is... read more ..

5 min read

News interview with Pierre Jovanovic on July 15, 2018 (Agence Info Libre)

After the violent closure of the YouTube channel of TV Libertés, which used to receive Pierre Jovanovic regularly, Agence Info Libre took over ... read more ..

French news
11 min read

Macrongate: the little king and his contempt for the law...

I hope that with this affair, the French will understand that the banking and political world and the mafia have a lot in common... But in politics we don't play at m... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Sarah Abdelnour: "Marx is still relevant to understand proletarians 2.0"

This is the perfect opportunity to understand that Karl Marx had anticipated all the "side effects" of capitalism... Those who went under sile read more ..

French news
10 min read

TAXES 2017: ... 57% of households not subject to income tax, 21 million out of 37, a sign of accelerated impoverishment

1 ... Almost 60% of non-taxable households (43% of taxable households, 16 out of 37 million for 77 billion collected) 2 ... Tax audits yield less = new/ read more ..

French news
4 min read

Sexually transmitted infections are exploding in France. Young people aged 15 to 24 are particularly affected by this upsurge.

Watch out.... Get covered... Younger generations are abandoning condoms, which are the most effective tool for preventing STIs. JIB/wara... read more ..

French news
3 min read

A collaborator of Emmanuel Macron filmed hitting a demonstrator on May 1 (VIDEO)

It's not enough for them to humiliate people, they have to hide among the police and beat them on top of that... Sadistic... Update 23.07.2018: Macronga read more ..

French news
19 min read

Chronopost, a company adrift... Who doesn't care about its employees and its customers as long as it makes... profits...

Accustomed to using the Chronopost service for many years, I recently realized serious malfunctions, falsified signature, parcels... read more ..

French news
9 min read

Already 17.000 signatures - Special Law Manipulation of info (Update)

I have already signed (just First Name, Last Name & E-mail), I suggest you do the same.... Update 19;07.2018: Fake News Law: The Cult Commission... read more ..

International news
12 min read

“Jean-Claude Juncker drunk. It's Europe that staggers...” Charles SANNAT's editorial

You can thank him it's (among other things) because of him that we pay so much tax... It even costs us exactly €136,24 per month ... read more ..

French news
4 min read

More expensive electricity: the fault of taxes!

Right away I understand better, I have €350 with gas for two months for a small house of 95 m2, but there are also other factors that explain why we don't... read more ..

French news
5 min read

Without support, the National Rally (ex-FN) will disappear "at the end of August", according to Marine Le Pen

They just didn't have to sit at the same table as the Devil, and that way we'll see a little more of the contours of the dictatorship in which we live..... read more ..

Video games
6 min read

Video games: 5 trends to follow closely this year

In 2018, everyone became a player. Whether you are rather casual playing only on mobile, or whether you are passionate about closely following the slightest release of... read more ..

French news
18 min read

The Macron effect? The survey that shows how 55% of French people are afraid of poverty...

Shared feeling, and everyday concern.... A job loss?, a death? it's going so fast to get out of hand.... And Emman's prescriptions... read more ..

French news
20 min read

Harassment at France Telecom: the scary case

Assassins, and all to fatten shareholders, and from what I know things have gotten seriously worse in companies, even small ones. read more ..

High-Tech News
7 min read

EASY electronic cigarette: AXS (Made in France) for 7.90 €

I took it for Chalouette, because the classic electronic cigarette for it was too complicated.... Update 11.07.2018: well I received the AXS frankly it's not terrible finally it's not worth p... read more ..

French news
7 min read

Alain Minc: "Inequality is too strong, we risk an insurrection"

 "Know Thy Enemy and Know Thyself If you had a hundred wars to fight, a hundred times you will be victorious (Article 3)" The Art of War - Sun Tzu read more ..

24 min read

Surveillance: the “intelligent” French camera identification network is coming…

It always comes back to the same people say “I don't care I have nothing to hide…” ok, I understand, but what these people forget c&rsq... read more ..

French news
13 min read

[Macron is a traitor] The welfare of the rich costs us “crazy money”!

“Social assistance and social minima cost around 70 billion euros per year to public finances, or 3% of gross domestic product&nbs read more ..

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