Monthly Archive

June 2018

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 50 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
2 min read

Newsflash Friday, June 29, 2018: "Call for monthly donations for the rental of the semi-dedicated server and associated services"

Good evening dear readers, It's been more than a month since we made a call for donations, so I'm sending you a message concerning help for an event.... read more ..

French news
2 min read

MPs delete the word “race” from the Constitution

There is no race, no man, no woman, just consumers, uh sorry, citizens... The deputies voted unanimously.... read more ..

International news
3 min read

Brexit: The law on withdrawal from the European Union has been promulgated by the Queen

Congratulations to our English friends, one more step towards freedom, moreover Theresa May indicated that with the exit of the European Union she would be able to... read more ..

French news
4 min read

DECRYPTION OF THE DAY. Proposed Islamophobic attack: the French Council for Muslim Worship brings civil action

1... On the one hand the secret societies that govern us, push hatred and violence against all Muslims to bring about the future civil war pro read more ..

1 min read

The UPR - The Reports of Vincent Lapierre

You see in fact that's why we left the UPR in 2015, and I haven't taken my card since, my last contact with my delegate did not really reassure me.... Already I had do's... read more ..

2 min read

Moment of relaxation (?): Butchers and delicatessens demand police protection against... vegans

A totally hysterical society... Illustrative photo, members of "Vegan 269 Life France", October 2014. (FRANCOIS GUILLOT / AFP) "The 18.000 ar... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Investigation of these police stations that lower the curtain

More police will be on the ground at night thanks to the pooling of police stations, according to the Ministry of the Interior. LP/Laurent Degradi Less read more ..

French news
9 min read

Dupont-Aignan denounces the "colonization" of France by Americans, the EU and migrants

That's for sure that the sores of ONPC, it makes them tick to hear the point of view of people who do not bow to their politico-media dictatorship, u read more ..

French news
5 min read

Emmanuel Macron: the charge of François Pinault

The guard dogs of E. Macron accuse Pinault of not having paid the wealth tax in 1997, it makes no sense since E. Macron repealed this tax... read more ..

French news
13 min read

More than one in two employees in a situation of professional or personal "fragility"

This race for profit and shareholder compensation is totally destroying our world, as we pointed out 27.3% of corporate earnings go to... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Aquarius: the journey of the “poor” migrants cost between 3000 and 5000€ per person. NGOs complicit in human trafficking

And you know what, as the satellite beacons of these NGO boats have shown, they will even seek these candidates for exile even in the ports.... read more ..

French news
8 min read

Addictions to screens and video games: parents call for help

We've been talking about this for a few years on our pages, because I've been facing this problem for more than 10 years with my children, even though the two don't have p... read more ..

12 min read

Will Self: “The future has become crummy”

Capitalism has stolen our ability to fantasize about the future, assures the former enfant terrible of British letters. Originally published in issue 7 of Usbek... read more ..

French news
3 min read

State scandal: Gendarmes and the GIGN also received the order not to intervene at the Bataclan

This is obviously in addition to the 8 soldiers of the sentinel operation present in the immediate vicinity of the places which also received the... read more ..

French news
4 min read

"Victim of a new moral order": YouTube closes the Freedoms TV channel

   Serious news that falls this morning with the closure of the Youtube channel of Tv Libertés, we appreciate this channel or not, but they still have the m&eacut read more ..

French news
4 min read

According to the OECD, it takes six generations for a poor family to reach the average income...

OECD Secretary General José Ángel Gurría. - Photo credits: ERIC PIERMONT/AFP It would take in France “180 years read more ..

French news
6 min read

Business secrets: Mr. President, on the way to censorship?

Rally at Place de la République, on April 16 in Paris, against the vote on the so-called “business secrecy” law, to denounce the danger represented by read more ..

International news
4 min read

It's happening in Europe: worrying discovery in the Netherlands on the harmfulness of tobacco

This is confirmed in other countries... Also we pass on the information to you, because it will certainly be hidden... They lie to us, they make us totally addicted, and they tell us read more ..

French news
4 min read

Alstom. General Electric will not keep its commitments in terms of employment in France

Proof of the organized butchering of our country, with the complicity of successive governments... (Additional information) The American group General Electr... read more ..

French news
2 min read

UFC-Que Choisir denounces the "explosion" of mutual insurance rates

It doesn't matter, it's the customers who pay... And since they have no choice... A Vitale card and a prescription from a doctor. Drawing. —DURAND FLORENC... read more ..

French news
2 min read

Pensions: the end of survivors' pensions?

1... Proof of bankrupt France and the 100 billion euros in savings to be found urgently this year 2... The reform will surely only apply read more ..

Scientific news
16 min read

Fall of intelligence: the environmental track relaunched

The “Idiocracy” theory that turns out to be true… (video below), huge…, but logical, just look... read more ..

International news
8 min read

Raped and murdered by two asylum seekers: but not a word because "the extreme right could seize it"!

Since omerta is in order, I pass this post on to you. Also think of all these anonymous victims, who will never have the favor of the authorities, nor of the media... And whose o... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Engie: regulated gas prices could increase by 6,5% in July

The hold up continues, gas is indexed to the price of oil, which is heresy, town gas is natural gas... it is not produced at... read more ..

Scientific news
9 min read

The unsuspected benefits of daydreaming...

“Sport to strengthen health or fight against obesity has occupied the entire previous century. Henceforth, it read more ..

French news
9 min read

“Democrassia”: 57% increase for the one… who validates campaign accounts!

Update 11.06.2018: Emmanuel Macron's campaign accounts: La République en Marche publishes documents that confirm the revelations of franceinfo (France Tv ... read more ..

5 min read

The Book of Truth Mini webcast (part 9)

To order the books and prepare as well as possible: Where to order the books of Maria de la Divine Mercy? In this ninth mini-webcast, we focus... read more ..

French news
5 min read

How France granted asylum to one of the leaders of Daesh...

French, French, open your eyes and react, or you will all end up slaughtered like sheep... Which is quite funny in the end... f. ... read more ..

Scientific news
2 min read

Space: NASA announces that it has discovered organic molecules on the planet Mars

"Although commonly associated with life, organic molecules can also be created by non-biological processes. read more ..

12 min read

Your phone is listening to you, it's not paranoia

Here's how I solved the mystery of ads that coincide with conversations. All photos: Sam Nichols Two, three years ago, one ... read more ..

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