Monthly Archive

May 2018

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 55 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
French news
16 min read

The mysterious flight of the 150 padlocks from the Flamanville EPR: it's not Greenpeace...

I rather lean towards an internal act to warn the French, moreover we have also warned you of the danger of poor workmanship in the steel of the EPR tanks... read more ..

International news
7 min read

Italian President Sergio Mattarella is preparing to appoint, on May 28, 2018, Carlo Cottarelli, the embodiment of budgetary austerity, to lead the country towards new elections...

For those who have not followed this weekend, the President of the Italian Republic refused on Sunday May 27 to ratify the appointment of a Minister of Treasury.... read more ..

French news
8 min read

Assembly rejects ban on high fat food ads and mandatory nutrition labeling

And after these people say they are at the service of the People? who still believes in it?, it's like the senators who refuse that we can oppose the laying of... read more ..

4 min read

Beware, the Windows 10 update is causing chaos...

I had seen the news on an English site The Register, so I declined the offer to update my Windows 10, I find this particularly serious because... read more ..

French news
9 min read

Glyphosate: where did the ban promised by Macron go?

Corruption will kill us all..... (Additional Information) A section of the Farm and Food Bill to phase out glyphosate in the... read more ..

International news
10 min read

154 German economists say "nein" to Macron's euro reform project

ITALY:.... A professor from the London School of Economics gives his opinion + Pritchard + 154 German economists -a... read more ..

French news
8 min read

Linky: LFI proposes a law for the right to refuse installation

The last time that deputies proposed such a type of law, which is in the general interest, our senator friends who are sensitive to lobbying... read more ..

10 min read

Intelligence: more than 21.000 people monitored in 2017, including more than 9000 for terrorism

And who are the other 12.000, if not terrorists? Bloggers? Political opponents? Trade unionists? Environmentalists? Writers ? Arts... read more ..

International news
15 min read

Italy prepares to restore its national currency

Same evils as for France, same solutions... If the Italians return to the lira, they will recover their monetary sovereignty and will no longer be slaves to the mar... read more ..

International news
8 min read

The future Italian government will be forbidden to Freemasons: the Grand Orient is indignant

DECRYPTION OF THE DAY: ... Italy bans FM from any government = ILLUSION read more ..

French news
8 min read

Demonstration in Paris on Saturday May 26, 2018 “Popular tide”

A wind of panic is blowing over the European dictatorship as the Italians make your voice heard! And come in large numbers to represent the French people! ; )))), because the n read more ..

5 min read

The Book of Truth Mini webcast (part 7)

To order the books and prepare as well as possible: Where to order Maria de la Divine Misericordia's books? In this seventh mini-webcast, we focus... read more ..

French news
9 min read

Electricity: 10 tips to reduce the bill…

I'm passing this article on to you, because as I told you recently, with my switch to LED lights for my aquarium, I'm on the hunt for gaspi. For information... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Present in sweets and toothpaste, titanium dioxide will soon be banned

We spoke out against this heresy (additional information), so this is very good news to start the day...;... read more ..

International news
5 min read

VIDEO. United States: more and more Americans sleep in their car

Did you vote for Emmanuel Macron? Well this is what awaits you. Moreover, they have already provided for the "Mobility" lease so that ... read more ..

French news
11 min read

St-Etienne: a young pregnant woman dies of a heart attack after a call to SAMU

Another victim of the politics of numbers and the pressure for profitability, you know it well and you know its heresies, since you are... read more ..

French news
7 min read

The French harsh with party leaders

If there is no viable alternative in France, it is because despite its 31.000 members, the media conceal the existence of the UPR from the French... read more ..

International news
5 min read

“A Eurosceptic government in Italy? » Editorial by Charles SANNAT

My very dear brothers, my very dear sisters... Let us pray..., As I write these lines, meetings are multiplying at the highest level of... read more ..

French news
15 min read

Will it soon be forbidden to speak of "migratory invasion" in France?

DOSSIER OF THE DAY: ... Salafist generation ... 300 foreign imams for Ramadan ... quarrels and divisions for the head of ISLAM DE FRANCE http://www.lemon... read more ..

French news
5 min read

What if private radar cars were illegal?

Even as the experiment in Normandy began, the Canard Enchaîné reveals today that the radar cars driven by ops... read more ..

French news
17 min read

The executive does not want to take advantage of the renewed growth to support purchasing power

Impliedly, consider yourself happy to be exploited daily for the happiness of stateless shareholders... to have a job, and don't forget to thank our beloved&... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Eco decryption. France to allow driverless self-driving vehicle testing next year

I admit, I'm not even surprised, this government is ready for anything, and above all to sacrifice the French for crumbs of growth (just to avoid... read more ..

Video games
4 min read

Ring of Elysium: a free alternative to PUBG to discover

To thank you for being faithful to our blog, here is a small free multiplayer game, with an absolutely amazing latest generation graphics engine.... read more ..

International news
3 min read

Italy: the eurosceptic parties of the M5S and the League ready to announce a government agreement

Luigi Di Maio, young leader of the 5 Star Movement, and the head of the League, Matteo Salvini (extreme right), are to be received at the presidential palace on Monday. They will have to... read more ..

French news
10 min read

A report criticizes the amount of dividends from CAC 40 companies...

The hold-up continues... But since no one is interested... (Additional information). At least you'll know why your working conditions are getting tougher... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Knife attack: "The S plugs are useless", according to Marine Le Pen

We had already taken a position on this, like 83% of French people, I completely agree with her. We must expel all these f... read more ..

French news
6 min read

SNCF: the controversy over a hidden privatization project resurfaces

A document revealed by "Le Parisien" thwarts the official discourse, on the eve of a new day of mobilization of railway workers, read more ..

5 min read

The Book of Truth Mini webcast (part 6)

To order the books and prepare as well as possible: Where to order the books of Maria de la Divine Mercy? In this sixth mini-webcast, we focus... read more ..

French news
3 min read

Immigration: Marine Le Pen joins Nicolas Dupont-Aignan

Personally, I think this is a very good thing. The more organized opponents we will have against Emmanuel Macron and his party "On the march towards dictatorship&h... read more ..

3 min read

Moment of relaxation (?): How can you be so dumb? What this family did in Beekse Bergen defies imagination

Victims of endoctrinal disruptors??? We are entitled to ask ourselves the question, in any case the Dutch are still laughing about it... The prize for the most ridiculous tourists of the year... read more ..

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