Monthly Archive

March 2018

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 84 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
French news
8 min read

Water scandal in Ile-de-France: the public regains control of Veolia

Good news to start the day, as shown in the Cash Investigation documentary Cash Investigation: "Water: scandal in our pipes" (complete), ... read more ..

International news
3 min read

United States: the ravages of painkiller addiction...

Eat chocolate! It's packed with endorphins (the pleasure hormone), and it's healthier than those chemical crap. Happy Easter weekend &agra... read more ..

International news
2 min read

Two Israeli F-35s reportedly flew over Iranian airspace

Finally, they fly? The most expensive aircraft in the world... F-35 Iranian airspace reportedly violated by two Israeli fighter jets... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Montpellier Law School: the dean and a professor indicted

I saw a student who had her skull broken, this dean and this teacher are fascists, they must be fired from all their mandates. © Sylvain Thomas, AFP | Etacs... read more ..

French news
6 min read

83% of French people in favor of returning foreign “S files”

Except for Macron, it would seem that we agree, return to the bled for all these vipers... And ban on returning to France. Nearly six French on d... read more ..

7 min read

VIDEO. Gérard Filoche: “Emmanuel Macron proposes a backward-looking society”

No one invited him anymore, following his ousting from the Socialist Party. I know that he is not unanimous, after his positions on the pr&eacut... read more ..

French news
12 min read

Privatization of the SNCF, national roads, airports: Macron sells off France by applying the orders of the EU MEDEF

Privatization of the SNCF, national roads, airports: Macron sells off France by applying the orders of the EU MEDEF “I simply confirm to you that we will do read more ..

International news
6 min read

Kim Jong Un received with great fanfare in Beijing before his summit with Trump

Well, at least it relaxes on that side, and it feels good.... With that I wish you a good evening; ) friendships, f. P&eacut... read more ..

French news
6 min read

France has lost its sovereignty to the USA, denounces a former DGSE

"We can no longer make atomic submarines in France without American authorization" Declared before a commission of the National Assembly read more ..

French news
4 min read

S files: how to monitor them?

Really reassuring... Why not put an electronic GPS bracelet on them and have them clock in at the police station every day? And if they miss a date, we give them a choice,... read more ..

French news
3 min read

Now 450.000 gray card requests pending

“A people of sheep ends up giving birth to a government of wolves...” Agatha Christie. Since November 6, 2017, gray card applications are only made online. LP/ read more ..

7 min read

Android users, Facebook remembers… your call and text history

Facebook had to explain itself on the conservation of telephone histories. - Nasir Kachroo / NurPhoto By downloading your Facebook archive, you will read more ..

International news
2 min read

Egypt: a candidate without an adversary...

Egyptians are called upon to vote for three days to elect their president. What is at stake in the ballot is essentially the participation rate. The main... read more ..

International news
5 min read

Skripal case: NATO will announce "measures" this Tuesday afternoon

After the expulsion of 100 Russian diplomats by more than 21 countries, the escalation continues. Do you think this kind of behavior is responsible? They seek war by all means... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Schooling will become compulsory from the age of 3...

The French Republic is in a hurry to get its hands on our dear little darlings, just to "format" them well. I don't know who said... read more ..

French news
16 min read

Student mobilization strengthens despite repression

Remember, 50 years ago, the students, the workers, a blanket of lead on society, does that remind you of anything? Thanks to Odilon our benevolent reporter... read more ..

French news
7 min read

70% of cancellations at Pôle emploi following an absence from a summons

These absences are now sanctioned by a two-month debarment. The government intends, from 2019, to reduce the sanction to 15 days. L&rs read more ..

French news
3 min read

Anti-smoking treatments will soon be reimbursed like “any medicine”

Well, this is very good news for the fight against this scourge of tobacco. Because these things cost an arm, and so far we only had the right&nbs... read more ..

French news
18 min read

Ejected activists and ultra-locked exchanges: LREM in full authoritarian drift

Like what the lack of horizontality revealed recently by certain LREM activists (Additional information) was not an epiph&... read more ..

5 min read

Prophetic News - Season 5 Part 12: "The Tribe of Dan (Part 1)"

In the Catholic religion there are subjects that we do not necessarily address, even with time. Sometimes you have to look abroad for explanations.... read more ..

French news
6 min read

The law establishing a "business secret" passes discreetly to the Assembly...

With that kind of law, the Cash Investigation documentary on tap water couldn't even happen. Some cry wolf when we say that, but with the law known... read more ..

French news
5 min read

Attacks in the Aude: Constable Arnaud Beltrame, who replaced the hostages, is dead

   Gendarmerie Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame died on Saturday of his injuries. On Friday, after clients were taken hostage in read more ..

International news
6 min read

The Trump campaign was backed by a tool that manipulates Facebook user data. The Cambridge Analytica scandal has only just begun…

To find out how all this is possible, you can watch the Cash Investigation documentary which is quite affordable: Cash investigation: Marketing: the secret strategies ... read more ..

International news
2 min read

Angkor temples: under pressure from tourists

The temples of Angkor, in Cambodia, are among the most beautiful and visited archaeological sites in the world. Five million tourists go there every year. A surfer... read more ..

French news
7 min read

The Animal Code, a new legal tool to defend animals

Good news that is close to the heart of Chalouette. As far as we are concerned, the blog resumes at the end of the afternoon. © JOEL ROBINE/AFP Reha Hutin, president... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Drastic drop in the number of subsidized jobs

It's stupid, because these subsidized contracts were essential to the functioning of our country. As proof, my son Alexandre, who could not make his return to school, for lack of... read more ..

French news
9 min read

SNCF, Civil service: more than 200.000 people challenge the government in the street

Congratulations to all of you for this strong mobilization, and to the users for their understanding. Demonstrators in Lille on March 22, 2018 Photo Philippe HUGUEN. AFP... read more ..

International news
4 min read

EU clears Bayer takeover of Monsanto with conditions

They will be even more powerful... Bayer, you remember, it was the firm that bought batches of women in Auschwitz to carry out "experiments...&nbs... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Libyan financing case: Nicolas Sarkozy indicted

Nicolas Sarkozy was indicted on Wednesday March 21 after two days in police custody. He is suspected of illegally funding his ca read more ..

French news
22 min read

74% of French people believe that Emmanuel Macron's policy is "unfair"

It's normal, there are only 15% of French people who got Macron elected, all the tax evaders, the wealthy of globalization, and people sorted on ... read more ..