Monthly Archive

June 2017

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 45 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
French news
4 min read

Assistants to FN MEPs: Le Pen indicted for "breach of trust"

And the others ? Marine Le Pen Does NOT Want To Leave The EU... by Darwin_Kayser The noose is tightening around the President of the National Front: Marine Le Pen was... read more ..

French news
8 min read

The government lied. Damning report on the state deficit!! - Charles SANNAT's editorial

As you have often been told, this is all an organized heist. The 3% deficit limit has no mathematical basis, it was written urgently.... read more ..

French news
5 min read

Asbestos scandal: towards a dismissal in twenty emblematic files

An article submitted by BCE on Seen this, thanks to them; ), alas with nano materials, and their totally irresponsible use, especially in the field of... read more ..

French news
3 min read

Ferrand affair: his companion hired by the Mutuelles de Bretagne in the 2000s

Richard Ferrand, new boss of LREM in the Assembly would have hired his companion between 2000 and 2004. AFP / Fred Tanneau The deputy En Marche has n read more ..

14 min read

Nick Bostrom: "The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence must be the disappearance of work"

This is one of the themes dear to our blog. Also here is an excellent article on the possible future of artificial intelligence, computing, robotization,... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Sex education and sexual rights: danger FOR children

Maurice BERGER's letter of appeal THE MAJOR RISKS OF THE "SEXUALITY EDUCATION" PROGRAM Introductory text - 25-05-2017 Maurice BERGER read more ..

French news
7 min read

The CDI is over: welcome to the “project” CDI! - Charles SANNAT's editorial!

We warned you a long, long time ago, it was already planned under Hollande, so I'm giving you the video below.... read more ..

2 min read

Special Signs of the Times: ... Good Summary of Prophecies to Come (Spartou)

Here is a good summary of the prophecies to come, which join other prophecies like that of Alois Irlmaer, the world having become against the Volon... read more ..

French news
4 min read

1500 PV per hour! This is how Indigo will flash Parisian cars

PARIS: ... privatization of the PV market = 1500 PV/hour, €420.000/day for Indigo 1... Urbis and Indigo, the world leader in car parks, have found the jackpot of 150... read more ..

2 min read

Moment of relaxation (?): “Saint-Denis: a Russian bodyguard stands up to 50 young people from the city”

Victims of a robbery at the door on the road to Le Bourget, a businessman and his bodyguard chased their attackers before notifying the police. By Aziz Zemou... read more ..

2 min read

Labor Code: the elements of the negotiation

You have heard of the CDI Chantier, with a long-term commitment, which would serve as a model for other CDIs. Well, more details in this video from Médiapar... read more ..

French news
3 min read

Modem case: a former parliamentary assistant accuses François Bayrou of lying

Reminder of the facts, in general... more details in "Additional information" at the bottom of the article, with in particular the video of the eurod&eac... read more ..

4 min read

Interview Natacha Polony: Journalism and Tribute after his eviction from Europe 1 and Paris Première

We find Natacha Polony following her ousting from Europe 1 and Paris Première. Fortunately there is still internet, um... for how long? I specify that the t... read more ..

French news
6 min read

Attempted attack on the Champs-Élysées: what we know about the assailant and his arsenal

FRANCE:....Fiche S + port d'armes + 9000 ammunition = armament for the civil war within 10 years? Anonymous contributor Police officers deployed on the Champs-Elys&eacu... read more ..

2 min read

Interview with François Asselineau – Current Issues n° 44 of June 13, 2017: “Review of the legislative elections – British Elections – Philippe Government” (UPR)

Don't be surprised, this topical interview is a bit dated. It was made at the end of the 1st round of the legislative elections, but I find that it allows bi... read more ..

French news
2 min read

Legislative: here is the new National Assembly

Emmanuel Macron's party and its MoDem allies largely dominate the new Hemicycle, with 350 deputies. The PS and the right record their worst scores since the... read more ..

5 min read

Prophetic News - Season 4 Part 22: "A TIME TO REWARD"

In the Catholic religion there are subjects that we do not necessarily address, even with time. Sometimes you have to look abroad for explanations.... read more ..

French news
17 min read

Economy: The great transfer…

I am posting the transcription of Olivier Perrin's latest video, the “Valiant little economist”. It contains information which, although d&... read more ..

French news
6 min read

From NKM to the mayor of Montfermeil knocked down by a scooter: worse than the anger of edgy voters, the drift of whole sections of French society who no longer respect authority

FRANCE: ... NKM attacked = and when the French will be aware of the bankruptcy of the State and their spoliation? Atlantico: Following the attacks on... read more ..

International news
2 min read

The speed of circulation of money is collapsing in the United States and it is very serious!! Charles SANNAT's editorial

My dear impertinents, my dear impertinents, In economics, there are a few notions to know and a few parameters to monitor. It may seem read more ..

International news
3 min read

Europe could securitize state debt

Europeans are considering the creation of European Safe Bonds. The end of ECB support will make the euro zone more vulnerable. “& read more ..

French news
3 min read

Blood stroke by Gérard Filoche: "Macron is preparing the most terrible attack on our salaries in our entire history"

The trade unionist and rebellious PS signs a column in the Huffington Post. He castigates an economic policy "à la Margaret Thatcher". (AFP / CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMB... read more ..

International news
4 min read

“Airlift in Berlin? No, with Qatar! Iran sent five planes full of 450 tons of vegetables to the emirate!! » Editorial by Charles SANNAT

My dear impertinents, my dear impertinents, As you know, Qatar is undergoing some small inconveniences linked to the anger of its very g read more ..

French news
3 min read

Journalists worried about the independence of the press under the Macron era

For information, during the presidential campaign, the lawyer for En Marche contacted us, asking us to withdraw an article. A small blog like us, which has 1400 readers p... read more ..

International news
5 min read

Can Gaddafi save Libya?

Richard Galustian Spectacular political information was broadcast on Saturday June 10 with the announcement that Saif Al-Islam had been released. read more ..

6 min read

Politics and economy n° 134 - TV Libertés June 12, 2017 - Pierre Jovanovic: Bankruptcy, monkey money and bank fraud

We find our two favorite bald people with pleasure. For the rest, they also do not master the information, in the sense that they only relay it. P... read more ..

French news
8 min read

Emmanuel Macron is appointed head of the secret services

In addition, Emmanuel Macron, as a convinced Europeanist, must be a fervent supporter of the Indect project..., a guarantee that he will know how to use it. In the worst case, there are the Eagles of A... read more ..

<1 min

Natacha Polony worried about the balance of powers after the legislative elections

At least you don't have acute macronite...that's it...; ))) For the rest, it joins the post of this morning, thanks to Spartou.   ... read more ..

French news
3 min read

Legislative elections in France? Error 404: Democracy Not Found

The scores fell. Half of the French are now totally disillusioned and no longer even travel to participate in the circus & read more ..

French news
5 min read

Security. Will the state of emergency become the norm?

FRANCE OF TOMORROW: ... of terrorism to create fear and legalize the invisible dictatorship + BELGIUM 1 ... the state of emergency will become the norm = the tem read more ..

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