Monthly Archive

May 2017

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 51 of our items broken down into Months and Years.
3 min read

Shadow Brokers: $24.000 per month for NSA tools, a real ethical problem

It seems that we always come back to the same thing: Money..., what an illusion for such talented people... So we can never say it enough: updates and Backu... read more ..

International news
3 min read

A law proposing the possibility of erasing student credits introduced for ratification in the United States (Zerohedge)

Student credit, one of the major components of US household debt, is increasingly popular. Originally created for per read more ..

International news
6 min read

Germany steps up criticism of Trump's America

If I don't put anything in the intro, it's not that I don't have anything to say, but things aren't easily summed up in 2 lines. Also, almost with each article, I tell you... read more ..

French news
7 min read

The Macron law was to simplify labor courts, it made them inaccessible

SPECIAL LABOR LAW: ... 6 reforms already underway even before the ordinances ... empty the prud'hommes ... empty the labor code ... empty the wage earner ... read more ..

International news
7 min read

The Manchester suicide bomber's Libyan roots

Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people and injured 116 others when he blew himself up at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, was born in Britain in... read more ..

International news
5 min read

France bans a pesticide… but exports it to developing countries

Atrazine, a herbicide used in corn and sugar cane crops, has been banned since 2004 in Europe. It is an endocrine disruptor whose effects ... read more ..

8 min read

Natacha Polony - The Dinner of the Century - The Bilderberg Group

A brief historical lesson from Natacha Polony on the Dinner of the Century, the Bilderberg Group, the Young Leaders. A delicate exercise because as soon as it is taxed with "conspiracy"... read more ..

French news
4 min read

Bernard Tapie, not ready to repay

By canceling the 2008 arbitration, the Court of Cassation forced Bernard Tapie to pay the millions of euros linked to the arbitration. But how is the state going to do it? read more ..

International news
4 min read

Death of Zbigniew Brzezinski, influential voice in American foreign policy

Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security adviser to US President Jimmy Carter, on April 29, 2014 in Washington (AFP/Archives/MA read more ..

3 min read

The Great Referendum with François Asselineau Thursday, May 25, 2017 “For Trump, is Europe and France peanuts? (South Radio)

For this Ascension Thursday, Spartou has found you a good interview with François Asselineau, who has the merit of taking stock of Franco-American relations.... read more ..

French news
9 min read

Macron: an American Trojan horse at the Élysée Palace

France's new president, Emmanuel Macron, who has been pushed into the French presidential race as a pro-European Union counterweight read more ..

International news
8 min read

US budget: drastic cuts for social assistance and health

Donald Trump hopes to balance the American budget by proposing significant cuts in social program budgets (Credits: Kevin Lamarque). There read more ..

International news
12 min read

Emmanuel Macron's program updated: the European Commission has just published the "GOPÉ" for 2017-2018

Throughout the presidential campaign, François Asselineau was the only one of the 11 candidates to explain what would be the program of the ten others who refused to... read more ..

French news
4 min read

“Hot ahead! Fill up…, social conflict straight ahead!! » Editorial by Charles SANNAT

My dear impertinent ones, my dear impertinent ones, Our little mustachioed national CGT Philippe Martinez risks getting very angry again if the new government read more ..

9 min read

Athena, the malware that allows the CIA to spy on all Windows

Be careful, it's malware, it's not an exploit like the recent Wanna Cry, so you have to catch it via booby-trap / phishing, etc. Besides, are you well?... read more ..

French news
6 min read

And Bruno Le Maire created the job for 5 euros…

FRANCE: ...Bruno Le Maire offers jobs at 5€/hour called "employment-rebound" = rebound in poverty hence their desire to reduce/remove the ... read more ..

French news
7 min read

[Reminder] Why do people defend unjust, incompetent and corrupt systems?

With 62% of people in favor of Emmanuel Macron, I thought it was topical... And this cleavage between the French goes back even further... ... read more ..

International news
14 min read

United States: The "RussiaGate", a secret coup

By Robert Parry – May 13, 2017 – Source Consortium News The hysteria surrounding RussiaGate gained momentum after President Trump read more ..

International news
4 min read

Pension funds: the new crisis threatening the United States

The city of Detroit is forced into bankruptcy, an unprecedented event in American history. - Nicolaus Czarnecki 2010/ZUMA/ read more ..

2 min read

Interview with François Asselineau – Current affairs May 17, 2017: “Special first government of Édouard Philippe and first days of Macron” (UPR)

A little outlook for the start of the weekend, if you like. Thanks to our anonymous Contributor. Clear and precise solutions The UPR does not... read more ..

French news
13 min read

"More and more soldiers are talking about a transition to a state of siege in the event of new terrorist acts"

What is the link between the multiplication of French military interventions abroad, the priority given to the Rafale and arms exports? read more ..

1 min read

Macron-economy: "We are moving towards austerity measures"

I found Thomas Porcher's intervention very good, and I humbly advise you to listen to the video if you want to take stock and draw up some pers... read more ..

High-Tech News
9 min read

The explosion of disorders in toddlers overexposed to screens

Rest assured, soon there will certainly be an android app to be a parent... In short, we are facing a health emergency. Afterwards should we blame these young parents or the m... read more ..

French news
7 min read

“The mayor issuing an order prohibiting people from dying at home!! » Editorial by Charles SANNAT

None of this would happen if our government hadn't reduced the numerus clausus of the number of practitioners, even if it meant hiring doctors at the... read more ..

<1 min

Olivier Delamarche landed from BFM Business

  If that's not a strong sign of the dictatorship of single thought, it can't even stand contradiction... In any case, thanks to Olivier Delamarche for n read more ..

French news
8 min read

"Macron's economic plan will lead France to disaster" Charles SANNAT's editorial

My dear impertinents, my dear impertinents, I spoke at length with our Russian friends about the election of the new French president and read more ..

French news
5 min read

Automation could affect 40% of jobs in France

With the looming automation and Emmanuel Macron in the government, as well as the rise of IT, we are swimming in the middle of the Red Dawn.... Also, as I know that ... read more ..

French news
2 min read

Interview with François Asselineau – Current Affairs No. 43 of May 10, 2017: "Election of Emmanuel Macron - Legislative - International issues - F. Asselineau's analysis" (UPR)

Given the madness of events, it is pleasant (and useful) to take stock with François Asselineau. Clear and precise solutions The UPR is not... read more ..

French news
3 min read

Edouard Philippe Prime Minister: a dunce of the Assembly to lead the majority of Macron

And hop ! Two Bilderbergs in the government... Edouard Philippe, appointed Prime Minister this Monday, May 15, intervened during his career as a deputy... only... read more ..

French news
5 min read

Exit from the euro: "We must take note" of the rejection of the French, according to Monot

= let's respect this choice but the euro will explode without France being prepared as Delamarche says Anonymous contributor Economist Bernard Monot on May 15, 2014 ... read more ..

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