June 6, 1944: what we won't tell you...

“Yes, but still the Americans liberated us in ’45! » How many times have I heard that one! On the school benches. But also during debates on the current wars of the USA.

Update 17.08.2016 : Pacts with the Devil: America and the Third Reich

40-45, the only 'good' US war? Perhaps to qualify. A few disturbing facts are documented in an excellent book by historian Jacques Pauwels (1). His irrefutable documents prove that a large part of the US companies collaborated with Hitler outright, and not only at the beginning of the war: Du Pont, Union Carbide, Westinghouse, General Electric, Goodrich, Singer, Kodak, ITT, JP Morgan.. .

Worse. Hitler's great strategic novelty was the "Blitzkrieg", the lightning war: bring his troops very quickly to the heart of the adversary. For this, two essential conditions: trucks and gasoline. Germany having neither, it was Esso that supplied the gasoline, while the trucks came from the German factories of Ford and General Motors.

"May this war last as long as possible!"

Pauwels shows that: 

1. Much of US business was pro-Hitler in the 30s and 40s. 

2. This only changed when the sales of US firms were endangered by German commercial aggressiveness in Latin America and elsewhere. And by the Japanese occupations which confiscated all trade in Asia.

In fact, the United States was playing a double game. They wanted the war to last a long time. For what ?

On the one hand, the huge profits their companies were making in Germany were growing. On the other side, they enriched themselves by lending to Great Britain which bore all the financial weight of the war. Washington also posed as a condition that London abandon its colonies after the war. What was done. The United States managed to take advantage of the Second World War to weaken its rivals and become the only capitalist superpower.

Henry Ford: "Neither the Allies nor the Axis should win the war. The US should provide the means for both sides to keep fighting until both collapse."

Future President Harry Truman, 1941: "If Germany wins, we have to help Russia and if Russia wins, we have to help Germany, so that as many as possible die on each side."

This cynical game only ceased when the USSR defeated Hitler. Only then did the United States rush to save its interests in Europe. 

Tomorrow June 6, we will act as if the war had been won in Normandy and not in Stalingrad. We will not say that Hitler lost 90% of his soldiers in the East. That for every US soldier killed, there were 53 Soviets. Textbooks are weird sometimes, right?

Well, sorry to have taken away one of your last illusions. Tomorrow, June 6, you can think of all that when on a Normandy beach, we celebrate George Bush while his grandfather financed Hitler. In what world are we living ?




(1). Published in Dutch under the title "The myth of the good war (America and the Second World War), EPO 2000. There is also the French version. To be recommended, it is also full of revelations on Roosevelt, Truman, the threatens to invade the USSR, the recovery of Nazi spies and criminals, Churchill, De Gaulle, Yalta... 


Source(s): Investig'Action via Michelcollon.info taken back by Brujitafr.fr all on the track Rowboat

Further information :

Crashdebug.fr: trillion dollars



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