"2025. The 5 major dangers that threaten the world and... France!" Editorial by Charles SANNAT (Insolentiae.com)

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Hello, I hope you are well, if you like, we can find the front page of Charles Sannat.

sannat risks 2025

My dear sassy, ​​dear sassy,

I wanted to take the time to come back with you to the 5 main major risks for 2025 which will need to be particularly monitored and which could cause shocks as significant as they are destabilizing.

As for the MAGA or Trump risk, again, it is not a question of being for or against Trump, but of analyzing a situation in which Trump is not the president of Europe and not of France. By pursuing his American interests, he can sometimes harm Europe or France.

We can also think that he wants more from Europe than from nation states and undoing the European Union would probably not displease him in part.

In any case, a fierce battle is being waged against the globalist-Europeanists who essentially rule the old continent.

This battle will be a source of great destabilization. Some may wish it, others fear it, it may bring out good things, or less good ones, we will see what will happen. But it will be epic and the sleeping majority who do not see what is coming upon us, may really be surprised.

So I leave you with these 5 major risks, and that of recession is in my opinion already materializing.

It is already too late, but all is not lost.

Prepare yourselves !

Charles SANNAT

source: Insolentiae.com


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